A cluster-randomized controlled trial testing the effectiveness of the Life Enhancing Alcohol-management Program (LEAP) for Housing First residents

People experiencing chronic homelessness comprise a small yet high-morbidity, high-cost subset of the larger homeless population and are disproportionately impacted by alcohol-related harm. This study proposes a cluster randomized controlled trial of an innovative, community-based, and client-driven program known as the LEAP to explore its impact on substance use and quality of life outcomes among […]

A dyadic approach to perinatal depression treatment in primary care

Perinatal depression affects 10-20% of pregnant and postpartum individuals, impairing parenting self-efficacy and mother-infant interactions and contributing to negative maternal-child outcomes. This research will test comprehensive perinatal depression treatment, Maternal Infant and Dyadic Care (MInD), which includes a brief version of the Promoting First Relationships parenting intervention implemented within perinatal collaborative care, against perinatal collaborative […]

A pilot trial on EMA habit formation behavioral strategies for improving engagement of digital mindfulness interventions among non-suicidal self-injury engagers

Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), the purposeful, direct damage of one’s body without the intent to die, is a pervasive public health concern with clinically significant long-term consequences. Mindfulness – a core skill in DBT, an evidence-based treatment for NSSI, is designed to target emotion dysregulation and rumination and may be particularly relevant due to the proliferation […]

A Research Institute for Implementation Science in Education (RIISE) to address the “Last Mile” in education

Longstanding gaps between science and practice in schools have contributed to a persistent “last mile” problem in which education research consistently fails to reach the individuals for whom it was intended. Implementation research is an emerging scientific study in education of methods to promote the systematic uptake of research findings and evidence-based programs and practices […]

Accelerating research use in courts

Measuring the use of research evidence within organizations and systems is a rapidly growing area of study in the social sciences as researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in a variety of systems try to bridge the research-to-practice gap. With growing calls for justice systems, especially juvenile justice systems, to integrate developmental and behavioral health science within […]

Acceptability and feasibility of a single-session + digital mental health intervention for people with psychosis on an acute psychiatric inpatient unit

People with psychosis are admitted more frequently to inpatient psychiatric units and have a longer length of stay once admitted compared to those with other psychiatric conditions. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for psychosis (CBTp) reduces hospital admissions when delivered in outpatient settings and facilitates quicker symptom improvement when delivered in inpatient settings. Despite this, implementation of […]

Accountable Communities of Health

AIMS Center staff and faculty are working with primary care and behavioral health partners in each ACH to train staff and providers on whole person care strategies. This includes training primary care practices to adopt the Collaborative Care model and/or Bree Behavioral Health Integration Recommendations and training community behavioral health agencies to address the physical […]

Adapting a resilience intervention for youth athletes

Youth mental health is in crisis and we do not have adequate providers to treat the current burden of illness. We must identify innovative approaches to support youth mental health that utilize the existing infrastructure and can be administered by non-clinicians. While sports are predominantly a positive outlet for youth, they also bring stressors due […]

Addressing suicide risk in primary care to reduce youth suicide

Suicide is a leading cause of death among 10- to 24-year-olds in the US, and half of youth who die by suicide contact a primary care provider within one month prior to suicide. Suicide risk screening and access to brief and effective suicide prevention interventions remain an important step in reducing suicide, yet comprehensive suicide […]

Affective Dynamics Associated with Simultaneous Alcohol and Marijuana Use Outcomes among a High-risk Sample of Young Adults

The proposed F32 aims to conduct a secondary analysis of time-intensive daily data (MPIs: Lee/Patrick; R01AA025037) to elucidate the roles of affect and affective dynamics on simultaneous alcohol and marijuana (SAM) use outcomes among a sample of high-risk adults (N = 409). We will test whether theoretically-relevant affective dynamic processes (affective instability, negative emotion differentiation): […]

Assessing the Determinants and Antecedents of Persecutory Thoughts (ADAPT)

This project aims to deploy a mHealth assessment system in a national sample of individuals who experience persecutory ideation (PI). Specifically, we will (1) evaluate whether PI with need for clinical care is associated with differential phenomenology of PI – frequency, valence, conviction, appraisals, and behavioral responses, (2) examine relationships between baseline clinical, functional and […]

Autism biomarkers consortium for clinical trials

This is a multicenter longitudinal study that aims to identify, develop and validate a set of measures that can be used as stratification biomarkers and/or sensitive and reliable objective measures of social impairment in ASD that could serve as markers of long term clinical outcome.

Autism Community Toolkit: Systems to Measure and Adopt Research-Based Treatments- Educational Redesign (ACT SMARTER)

The aims of the current project are to: 1) Engage stakeholders to identify targets for ACT SMART redesign to optimize its fit for middle and high school providers who serve autistic adolescents; 2) Conduct prototyping and usability field testing of the redesigned ACT SMART and iteratively refine to ensure usability, feasibility, acceptability, and appropriateness for […]

Beliefs and Attitudes for Successful Implementation in Schools (BASIS)

The goal of this study is to adapt and test the feasibility and potential efficacy of a theory-driven pre-implementation intervention to address individual-level barriers to evidence-based practice (EBP) implementation – Beliefs and Attitudes for Successful Implementation in Schools (BASIS) – designed to improve school-based mental health providers’ implementation of EBP. The BASIS-T project will develop a teacher-focused […]

Biomarkers in the retina for prognosticating mental health treatments (BRIGHT)

This clinical trial is designed to pilot an electroretinogram (ERG) biomarker for predicting treatment response to SSRIs in PTSD. Serotonergic brain centers project to the retina, and ERG allows assessment of brain serotonergic signals via retinal signals. In this study we are characterizing the ERG waveform in veterans with PTSD before and after SSRI administration. […]

Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Improving the Transition Experience (BRITE)

Moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common cause of long-term disability. Persons with TBI receiving care in inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs) are at risk for rehospitalization, poor community reintegration, family stress, and other unfavorable outcomes. In a six-center randomized pragmatic comparative effectiveness study, we compare the effectiveness of two methods for transition […]

Brain maturation in adults with FASD

This application seeks to address gaps in our understanding of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in adults (FASD) by evaluating protracted effects of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) on the brain. Individuals aged 30 and 60, who were diagnosed with FASD in childhood, and matched controls, who had previous structural MRI scans in their teens and twenties […]

Building capacity

This study will expand and enhance training in evidence-based psychosocial interventions (EBPIs) by designing and testing a computerized training program that is based on adaptive training algorithms. We hypothesize that by simplifying training and supplementing classroom curriculum, we can enhance clinical ability to deliver treatment more competently, more quickly, and with a higher quality of […]

Cannabis legalization and changes in young adult substance use, related health risk behaviors, and risk factors in WA State (Project YAM)

This project involves analyses of data from the Washington State Young Adult Health Study to examine the impact of cannabis legalization on cannabis-related risk factors, substance use, and related health risk behaviors such as driving while intoxicated, and to study developmental trajectories of substance use and the role of community level and other cannabis-specific risk […]

Care Partners: bridging families, clinics, and communities to advance late-life depression care

Through Archstone Foundation’s Depression in Late-Life Initiative, the Care Partners project seeks to improve depression care for older adults by building innovative and effective community partnerships. Specifically, the Care Partners project has the following goals: 1) develop late-life depression innovations among primary care, community-based organizations (CBOs) and family, 2) build a learning community of clinics, […]

CARR: Covid-Association Risk and Resilience

The CARR study explores trajectories of mental health and social-emotional wellbeing among youth, including those with autism, ADHD, and/or anxiety. Online assessments of social-emotional features from both youth and caregiver perspective take place every 6 months over a 2-year period, with the goal of understanding mental health in the context of the Covid pandemic.

Centering community voices in partnered mixed methods approaches to addressing health disparities with diverse communities

Meaningful partnerships between community and academic/public health co-researchers are needed to address community mental health, wellbeing, and health disparities. Partnerships should center the strengths, needs, and interests of communities on the communities’ terms while building relationships on trust and shared power. UW researchers in partnership with the Community Health Board Coalition (CHBC) have developed an […]

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for psychosis workforce development

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for psychosis (CBTp) is a time-limited, structured form of talk therapy that is indicated for individuals who experience distress related to psychotic symptoms. Although evidence demonstrates effectiveness in enhancing care and outcomes for clients with psychosis, CBTp is not widely available in the United States. The UW SPIRIT Lab in the Department […]

Collaborating to Heal Addiction and Mental Health in Primary Care (CHAMP)

The gold-standard intervention for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD). Because more patients with OUD need access to MOUD in primary care, the AIMS Center at the University of Washington is testing a Collaborative Care model to treat mental health disorders and OUD concurrently in primary care settings. The CHAMP study addresses […]

Communication and Recovery Enhancement (CARE) clinical trial

This study aims to refine and test a brief intervention (CARE) that aims to promote recovery in recent sexual assault survivors. CARE is delivered to supporters of sexual assault survivors (e.g., friends, family members, romantic partners), with or without the survivor present. It aims to encourage conversations about the assault and decrease negative reactions by […]

Community curriculum codesign

Curriculum codesign is a capacity building initiative to cocreate therapeutic interventions alongside community partners using research translation and design-oriented activities.

Community resilience to late life depression among first generation Asian Indian immigrants in the greater Seattle area (The CREED Seattle Study)

Asian Indians, are one of the fastest growing ethnic groups in the country, growing from 1.9 million (2000) to 4.6 million (2020). With a median household income of $119,000, Asian Indians are highly educated (43% have a postgraduate degree), are proficient English speakers (82%) and are often touted as a “model minority”. While these data […]

Connectivity in the Brain and Autism (COBRA) Study

The COBRA study seeks to identify the specific neural circuits that are altered in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Our experiments test the strength of “divisive normalization”, a measure that describes how neurons in the brain suppress each other. Our hypothesis is that suppressive interactions are reduced in individuals with ASD. Because suppressive neural interactions are […]

Consumer perspectives of online & in-person suicide prevention strategies

This study will explore which interventions people with lived experience of suicide find acceptable (e.g., different types of in-person and telehealth care, web-based, text message, app, etc.), who should be the agent to deliver the intervention, and what concerns would they have in having social media and search data used for risk identification and then […]

COVID-19 Student Survey

This project involved an anonymous needs assessment for 6th through 12th graders in Washington to collect data on what students thought was going well, what challenges they had encountered, and what their needs were as schools replied to largely in-person instruction following a largely virtually year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Deploying a texting intervention for psychosis; from research to real-world practice

The vast majority of young adults with early psychosis own mobile phones, identify texting as their preferred communication modality, and report an interest in messaging-based treatments. We developed a texting intervention for people with psychosis called the Mobile Interventionist. Treatment is conducted via daily recovery-oriented text conversations between patients and a trained messaging practitioner. This […]

Determining if activity in LHb projections to the RMTg promotes cued reinstatement to fentanyl seeking through indirect inhibition of VTA dopamine neurons

The main goals of this proposal are twofold: 1) to develop and optimize a general behavioral and technical platform for studying the functional neurocircuitry underlying opioid use disorder, and 2) to determine if activity in LHb projections to the RMTg promotes cued reinstatement to fentanyl seeking through indirect inhibition of VTA dopamine neurons.

Determining if activity in specific lateral habenula output pathways motivates avoidance of synthetic opioid withdrawal or cue induced reinstatement

Opioid abuse has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and is responsible for more than 40,000 overdose deaths each year. Avoidance of withdrawal and drug-associated cues are key deterrents to voluntary abstinence in humans. By studying the neural circuits responsible for motivating avoidance of physical and emotional pain, as well as those that process […]

Developing a cannabis intervention for young adults with psychosis

Up to one-third of young people experiencing early psychosis use cannabis, and one in four meet criteria for a cannabis use disorder. Cannabis use is associated with multiple negative outcomes, including relapse, rehospitalization, increased psychotic symptoms and reduced treatment engagement and medication adherence. Psychosis relapse is a particularly devastating and costly outcome, leading to greater […]

Developing a digital platform to deliver family intervention for psychosis

The World Health Organization ranks psychotic disorders as the third most disabling health condition worldwide. Eleven million Americans will experience psychosis during their lifetime, and roughly 60 million Americans have a loved one affected by psychosis. Research affirms that psychotherapeutic interventions can help family caregivers develop skills to better connect and communicate with their loved […]

Developing a digital training resource for clinicians learning CBT for psychosis (CBTpro)

The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training Study will rigorously test CBTpro — a novel tool that uses spoken language technologies and conversational Artificial Intelligence to train behavioral health practitioners in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. We conducted a 2-week field trial, followed by a Randomized Clinical Trail in community mental health agencies to evaluate both learner and client […]

Developing a resource toolkit for clinician survivors of suicide loss

This project will develop a resource toolkit for clinician survivors of suicide loss. For clinicians, the death of a patient by suicide is a dreaded event and can be more distressing than death and dying encountered in other clinical situations. In response to patient suicide, some clinician survivors experience emotional and psychological distress that may […]

Developing a tailored implementation plan for Collaborative Care of perinatal depression care in Community Health Centers in Vietnam

Perinatal depression is a common and serious disorder, with suicide representing a major cause of maternal mortality, but few women from low and middle income countries (LMICs) receive effective treatment. Effective models of care that improve perinatal depression and support suicide prevention exist but have not yet been widely implemented in routine maternal-child care services […]

Developing digital health resources for young adults with early psychosis and their families

This multi-component project aims to (1) gather information about the digital-health related needs, interests, and preferences of young adults with early psychosis and their families, and (2) develop digital health resources that meet those needs. We have collaborated with colleagues to identify interests and needs of family caregivers, and are currently surveying affected young adults. […]

Developing measurement-based care tools for addiction treatment clinics

This research develops and tests digital technology to help clinicians and patients systematically measure and monitor clinical progress during addiction treatment. The technology is being developed based on end-user input and user-centered design methods and will be pilot tested as an add-on to real-world care in an addiction treatment clinic.

Development and testing of a research-based Tier 3 Wraparound model for schools

This project will adapt the defined, research-based, Wraparound care coordination model for youth with complex behavioral health needs to the education environment, including training curricula, installation protocols, fidelity measures, and other components. The project will initially convene national experts and local stakeholders who will review and aid in iterative refinement of materials, followed by a […]

Development of a monoclonal antibody to reverse overdose from fentanyl and its analogs: from manufacturing to clinical trials

The widespread availability of fentanyl and other potent synthetic opioids has dramatically increased opioid-related fatal overdoses. This project will develop and manufacture immune molecules (monoclonal antibodies) to reverse and treat overdose from fentanyl by keeping it out of the brain. This research will advance promising results in animal studies (preventing and reversing fentanyl- and carfentanil-induced […]

Development of an interactive, web-based drinking to cope intervention and tools to assess coping skill utilization

This project will develop and test an interactive web-based intervention with text-message reminders for young adults who drink to cope with negative affect. The intervention will include interactive modules on CBT coping skills, assignments to practice the skills, text-message reminders, and weekly assessments on coping skill utilization and barriers to use. A total of 120 […]

Development of F-18-Labeled Radiotracers for PET Imaging of Brain Alpha1A Adrenoceptor: A Tool for Precision Medicine in PTSD

Prazosin, a drug that prevents the neurotransmitter norepinephrine from binding to its alpha1 receptor (alpha1-AR) subtype has shown efficacy in reducing PTSD symptoms in most, but not all, studies of trauma-exposed Service Members, Veterans, and civilians. However, it is not effective in all patients and its use is complicated by variability in effective doses, a […]

Discovering the capacity of primary care front-line staff to deliver a low-intensity technology-enhanced intervention to treat geriatric depression

This study will explore the feasibility of implementation of a technology-enhanced Evidence-Based Psychosocial Behavioral Intervention entitled Mobile Motivational Physical Activity Targeted Intervention (MobMPATI) by frontline primary care staff (e.g., nurses, medical assistants) to expand workforce capacity to deliver acceptable, sustainable, and effective treatment for depression in older adults.

Discovery of conversational best practices in online mental health support

Millions of people lack access to mental health treatment due to barriers such as limited therapist availability, long wait times, high cost, and stigma. The COVID-19 pandemic has problematically increased demand for treatment while decreasing access. Because the internet is widely available, many people first turn to the internet for mental health support, giving rise […]

Disseminating a user-friendly guide: Advancing the science of intervention adaptation and improving access to evidence-based psychological treatment

Adaptation of evidence-based practices and programs (EBPs) is a necessary component of the implementation process. EBPs must be adapted to function with the constraints of real-world practice settings, providers’ expertise, and patients’ needs. The science of intervention adaptation is hungry for well-defined methods of EBP adaptation to guide decision making. A how-to guide for EBP […]

Does the microbiome play a role in adverse outcomes following mTBI and PTSD?

The proposed research will be a preliminary investigation into the potential association between microbiota abundance, hormone levels, peripheral inflammation and current symptoms (psychiatric and cognitive) in Veterans with and without a history of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). This work has the potential to form a new line of research that could ultimately provide new […]

Eastern Mediterranean partnership to implement the regional framework for mental health: going to scale with school mental health

An estimated 10-20% of children globally are affected by a mental health problem. Child mental health has been identified as a priority within the WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region (WHO EMRO). Following consultations with international and regional experts and stakeholders, WHO EMRO developed an evidence-based manualised School Mental Health Intervention (EMRO SMHI), endorsed by all member […]

Embedded clinical coaching

Using an embedded clinical coaching framework, the Evidence Based Practice Institute (EBPI)/CoLab is promoting the development of quality care expertise within behavioral health agencies to reduce the cost and improve the speed of clinical workforce training. The goal of this project is to move principles of effective behavioral health care more quickly into practice, and […]

Enhancing engagement with digital mental health care

Although several randomized clinical trials have demonstrated that digital mental health (DMH) tools are highly effective, most consumers do not sustain their use of these tools. The field currently lacks an understanding of DMH tool engagement, how engagement is associated with well-being, and what practices are effective at sustaining engagement. In this partnership between Mental […]

Establishing the Current State of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Implementation in the U.S.

This study aims to fill a significant knowledge gap that has impeded empirically-informed implementation and sustainability of high-fidelity Assertive Community Treatment (ACT). Investigators are conducting a survey of ACT stakeholders, including specialty adaptations (e.g., Forensic ACT [FACT]) across all U.S. states and territories, examining the relationship between ACT fidelity and outcomes, and examining contextual factors […]

Estia: computerized intervention targeting cognitive control deficits in depressed adults

Project: EVO (or “EVO”) is a mobile 3D video game that has been shown to reduce older adults’ susceptibility to interference by augmenting sustained attention and working memory abilities (e.g. cognitive control) through targeted adaptive algorithms. The combination of peer-reviewed validity, adaptivity, and fun video game mechanics elevates the EVO platform beyond other at-home training […]

Evaluating Lifelines4Moms (ELM) Study

Perinatal depression affects 10-15% of pregnant and postpartum individuals, with detrimental impacts on both parent and infant. In response to this, our department developed a perinatal consultation line for providers, PAL for Moms, to increase access to specialty perinatal psychiatric expertise and care.  The purpose of the Evaluating Lifeline4Moms (ELM) is to assess comparative effectiveness […]

Evaluating the National Implementation of Virtual Interdisciplinary Pain Care Teams – TelePain

Chronic pain is one of the most prevalent and disabling conditions affecting Veterans. One of the Veterans Health Administration’s (VHA’s) most pressing national clinical priorities is to increase access to non- pharmacological pain management and improve the safety of opioid prescribing. The National Pain Management and Opioid Safety Program (PMOP) is implementing virtual interdisciplinary pain […]

Evidence Based Practice Institute (EBPI)

The Evidence-Based Practice Institute (EBPI) is a partnership between the University of Washington and the Washington State Healthcare Authority (HCA), housed at CoLab. We promote the use of evidence-based practices in Washington State through training, research, workforce development, and data sharing. EBPI was initially established as an independent institute in 2007 by the Washington State […]

Evidence synthesis for policy program

Using a scoping review approach, CoLab is systematically looking for reviews and authoritative sources to guide a model for value-based care for pediatric behavioral health. Our review approach was informed by guidelines for scoping reviews and rapid evidence reviews. The initial goal of this project was systematically looking for reviews and authoritative sources to guide […]

Expanding access to adolescent depression care by non-specialists with a digital intervention

Adolescent depression is one of the most common mental health concerns during adolescence and can be a cause of significant impairment across the lifespan, particularly if untreated. Access to evidence-based psychotherapy is poor and pandemic-related increased demand for services has greatly worsened access issues, leaving many adolescents without effective and critically needed treatment. Adolescent depression […]

Expanding culturally responsive care for children and families in Washington State

The Expanding Culturally Responsive Care initiative, a new project funded through a 2022 Washington State legislative proviso, aims to strengthen the lived experience behavioral health workforce and create a culturally responsive care curriculum for statewide implementation in Medicaid-serving organizations. This initiative was developed in response to Washington State’s urgent need for more culturally responsive, effective public […]

G2MH: Genes to Mental Health

This study is looking at individuals who carry a rare gene event and their biological family members, with the the goal of exploring the differences between individuals with one of these gene events and their biological family members.

Global Mental Health Databank (MindKind)

The goal of this study is to learn how best to design a databank – a pool of data – about emotional health experiences from youth from around the world. The University of Washington is partnering with Sage Bionetworks to develop a user-friendly data platform for mental health interventions for youth. The overall scope of […]

Harm reduction in the context of social distancing

The devastating impacts of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic is expected to have impacts on young adults’ mental health and substance use (a population already at high risk).  Time is of the essence to provide young adults evidence-based information to reduce risk from alcohol use within the context of COVID-19 epidemic, promote continuation of social […]

High potency cannabis policy legislative report

Explore and suggest policy solutions in response to the public health challenges of high tetrahydrocannabinol potency cannabis. ADAI will host stakeholder sessions to gain perspectives, seek common ground, evaluate, and assess potential policy solutions culminating in a final recommendation report.


The overall goal of this project is to develop a cell phone app that provides continuous assessment of Warfighter health readiness in real time. We are a subcontractor to Warfighter Analytics using Smart Phones for Health (WASH) program and Charles Rivers Analytics for the subject recruitment portion of the overall project. The UW objective is […]

Housing stability for youth

The Housing Stability for Youth (H-SYNC) model was developed by the UW CoLab team in collaboration with Snohomish and Kitsap County workgroups and is intended to serve as a prevention tool for youth homelessness. Specifically, it’s designed to identify youth at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness within existing processes in juvenile court systems and […]

Identifying and treating loneliness in young adults in primary care

Loneliness, defined as the feeling of insufficient personal relationships, affects over 20% of young adults. Those with loneliness are more depressed and anxious and have poorer educational outcomes. Cognitive behavioral therapy and social navigation can successfully treat loneliness but previous studies have mostly looked at older adults. The objective of this study is to demonstrate […]

Identity, Resilience, and Interconnection after Stress (IRIS)

The IRIS Study is a longitudinal examination of young adults who have experienced an unwanted sexual experience in the past year, and those who have never had an unwanted sexual experience. This study aims to prospectively examine how young adults’ thoughts about a recent unwanted sexual experience are shaped by and influence social relationships and […]

Immune changes with neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia

Though the focus of most research on dementia is the pathogenesis of cognitive deficits, neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) are identified in >90% of those afflicted, resulting in hastened cognitive decline, worsened general health, reduced patient and caregiver quality of life, sooner institutionalization, and increased mortality. Affective symptoms, including depression, are the most common NPS in Alzheimer’s […]

Impact of medical and recreational marijuana laws on cannabis, opioids and psychiatric medications: national study of VA patients, 2000 – 2024

We will analyze Veterans Health Administration electronic medical record data to determine the effects of medical marijuana laws (MML) and recreational marijuana laws (RML) on cannabis (use and cannabis use disorder); opioids (prescriptions, fatal and non-fatal overdoses, opioid use disorders); and psychotropic medication prescriptions, providing important information on MML and RML effects in VA patients […]

Impact of the Preventing Addiction-Related Suicide (PARS) Intervention on patients who receive community-based addiction treatment

Persons with substance use disorders are 5-10 times more likely to die by suicide than the general public. Recognizing this, Rick Ries, MD, Katherine (Kate) Comtois, PhD, MPH, and the UW Center for Suicide Prevention and Recovery (CSPAR) staff developed the first and only suicide prevention intervention successfully developed with and tested in community addiction treatment centers. The primary […]

Improving diagnostic imaging to guide treatment of neuroinflammation

Infection by West Nile Virus can lead to encephalitis, or harmful inflammation of the brain. The immune system is critical for controlling viral replication and spread early in West Nile Virus infection, but persistent immune activation causes encephalitis that can result in brain damage even after the virus has been cleared. Recent pharmacologic advances have […]

Improving resilience and recovery from traumatic events using the ECHO model

Most adults in the US experience a traumatic event at some point in their lives. Trauma is linked to the development of mental health disorders, increased suicidality, work and relationship impairment and increased physical health conditions. Effective treatments exist, but many people don’t receive these treatments because of a lack of providers who are trained […]

Improving the implementation of smartphone-based contingency management in medical settings for the treatment of methamphetamine use disorder: a qualitative analysis of patient and clinician experiences

The proposed research is a qualitative analysis of patient and clinician experiences during a pilot study of mHealth-delivered contingency management for the treatment of methamphetamine use disorder and will address perceived facilitators and reinforcing factors, barriers and limitations, and proposals for future improvements including specific recommendations regarding the intervention and its mode of delivery.

Improving usability

While evidence-based psychosocial interventions (EBPIs) are important, their design is cumbersome, complex, overwhelming, inflexible, and minimizes factors that are crucial for quality delivery of care. This study will work with six FQHCs across MT that were recently reorganized under Bighorn Valley Health Center’s umbrella to involve their Therapists and Care Managers in the redesign of […]

Innovative training for suicide prevention in addiction treatment settings

Although suicide is one of the leading causes of death for people with substance use disorders (SUDs), no widespread suicide prevention intervention exists for delivery in community addiction treatment settings. The effectiveness and feasibility of delivering Preventing Addiction Related Suicide (PARS), a group-based psychoeducational program that provides evidence-based suicide prevention and safety strategies, was recently […]

Integrating Behavioral Interventions in Substance Abuse Treatment

This mentored career development award funded the conduct of two studies to inform efforts to disseminate and implement contingency management (CM):  1) a mixed-method study of CM attitudes and practices among personnel at a nationwide sampling of 16 community-based opioid treatment programs; and 2) a pilot type III hybrid effectiveness/implementation trial examining strategies for implementing […]

Intervention to increase naloxone engagement and distribution in community pharmacies

This multi-site study will test the efficacy of an intervention to train and equip pharmacists to provide naloxone, an overdose antidote, to patients using prescribed and illicit opioids, to improve opioid safety and prevent opioid-involved adverse events. The study will carry out a stepped-wedge, cluster randomized trial implemented over five waves, within two chain community pharmacies across four states with varying pharmacy-based naloxone distribution laws: Oregon, Washington, Massachusetts […]

Latinx Health in Rural Areas (Project LAHRA)

This project aims to examine health disparities in substance use and factors influencing the health and well-being of Latinx youth residing in rural and small-town communities of the United States, a growing but understudied and underserved population.

Leveraging artificial intelligence to improve digital mental health interventions

Cognitive therapies help patients by providing ways to modify habitual but unproductive thought patterns, known as maladaptive thinking styles. Cognitive therapies are effective in treating depression, amongst other conditions, and are increasingly delivered remotely as text-based interventions. This trend toward digital delivery has accelerated on account of physical isolation and psychological stressors during the global […]

Leveraging peer mentor texting to support maternal wellbeing in the perinatal period

Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders affect one in seven pregnant and postpartum women nationwide, making them the most common complication of pregnancy. Unfortunately, only one in 20 women who need treatment for these conditions actually receives it. This translates to a multigenerational issue, which can negatively affect the mother and child’s long-term physical, emotional and […]

Mapping SUD treatment in VA using administrative data

The Mapping SUD Treatment in VA Using Administrative Data: Identifying Similarities and Differences Between Women and Men Veterans project is using VA administrative data to evaluate the uptake and receipt of SUD-oriented treatment among all Veterans with a chart diagnosis of SUD enrolled in VHA from FY14 to FY18. Location of care, referral patterns, and […]

Maternal-Infant Dyad Implementation (MInD-I)

The MInD-I study targets improving dissemination of the evidence based Collaborative Care treatment model for pregnant and postpartum women with depression. Longitudinal remote consultation (LRC) is an implementation strategy that has been have shown to improve fidelity to evidence-based practices and patient outcomes for mental health innovations. The investigators believe LRC can be used with […]

MC2: Motivating Campus Change

The application was built on our prior intervention trials to further explore conditions under which normative feedback may reduce college drinking. Specifically, we proposed to contrast efficacy of personalized normative feedback (PNF) regarding specific reference groups (i.e., gender-, ethnicity-, and residence-specific feedback) versus a generic (typical college student) reference group, evaluate identification with the normative […]

mHealth Washington

The mHealth Washington team is partnering with 20 community agencies to implement FOCUS in multiple counties throughout Washington State. This implementation effectiveness trial aims to evaluate strategies to integrate mHealth into real-world clinical practice. The team is comprised of multi-discipline experts including academic researchers, policy makers, mental health advocates, Medicaid leaders and individuals with lived experience. 

Microglia and opioid withdrawal: mechanisms of negative reinforcement

Extensive opioid use and repeated abstinence increases the likelihood of severe withdrawal and contributes to the risk of relapse. Previously we found that microglia, the innate immune cells in the brain, have dramatic changes in gene expression and signaling during opioid tolerance and withdrawal. We propose to use fentanyl and a recently developed transgenic mice to […]

Mobile RDoC: Using smartphone technology to understand Auditory Verbal Hallucinations (AVH)

Using a mobile data collection system that leverages smartphone technology to capture an abundance of time-varying information both passively (i.e., behavioral sensing) and actively (e.g., Ecological Momentary Assessment or EMA) we aim to: 1) Evaluate whether need for care is associated with real-time/real-place AVH experience; 2) Examine relationships between baseline demographic and functional variables, time-varying […]

Moms’ Access Project ECHO: Perinatal Psychiatry Case Conference Series

Perinatal Psychiatry Case Conference Series is a CME-accredited program for providers in Washington State who want to improve the mental health of their pregnant and postpartum patients. Facilitated by a multidisciplinary team including UW Medicine perinatal psychiatrists, obstetrician gynecologists, maternal fetal medicine experts, advanced registered nurse practitioners, therapists and social workers, the program aims to […]

Monitoring mood symptoms in young adults at-risk for bipolar disorder

The ages of 18-25 years are ‘peak onset’ times of major depression and bipolar disorder. These disorders have different courses and treatments, but diagnosing bipolar disorder is difficult because manic symptoms occur less often than depressive symptoms and many individuals do not recall manic symptoms. A ‘misdiagnosis lag’ of 8-10 years can contribute to prolonged […]

Needs Assessment for Supporting Technology use and Harm Reduction (STaHR Study)

The proposed study entails a needs assessment to develop a program for Supporting Technology use and Harm Reduction (STaHR) among HF residents with lived experience of homelessness and substance use. This study will qualitatively explore HF residents’ technology literacy as well as their perspectives on barriers and facilitators to the use of technology, broadly, and […]

New York State Collaborative Care Medicaid Program

Through partnership with New York-based practice coaches as well as its own expert clinician trainers, the AIMS Center supports effective practice change for behavioral health integration, planning for implementation of the Collaborative Care Model (CoCM), and providing behavioral health clinician training and technical support for New York Medicaid primary care providers.

NIDA Clinical Trials Network: Pacific Northwest Node

The NIDA Clinical Trials Network (CTN) is a means by which medical and specialty treatment providers, treatment researchers, participating patients, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse cooperatively develop, validate, refine, and deliver new treatment options to patients. The Network consists of 16 regional Nodes, including the Pacific Northwest Node located at the UW Addictions, […]

Opioid prescription and use following traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is common in the United States with 2.87 million emergency department visits related to TBI per year. Chronic pain is a frequent complaint following TBI, with more than half of patients reporting pain. Individuals with TBI are often prescribed opioids for pain following their injury, but unfortunately may be especially vulnerable […]

Opioid State Targeted Response – Technical Assistance for HHS Region 10

This project contributed to the initial offering of the Opioid Response Network (ORN), a national partnership of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry and the Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) network, to provide on-demand technical assistance in areas of prevention, treatment, and recovery for care related to opioid use disorders.

Opioid State Targeted Response – Technical Assistance for HHS Region 10

This project contributed to the sustained offering of the Opioid Response Network (ORN), a national partnership of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry and the Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) network, to provide on-demand technical assistance in areas of prevention, treatment, and recovery for care related to opioid use disorders.

Opportunity Based Probation

Opportunity-Based Probation (OBP) is a new juvenile probation model that expands on adolescent development research by leveraging adolescents’ drive towards independence as well as their heightened receptivity to rewards. In collaboration with their probation officers, youth create meaningful goals and incentives that reward the development of prosocial behavior. Probation officers scaffold prosocial behavior by reinforcing […]

Optimizing mental health first-aid programming for sport coaches

Many sport organizations are increasingly vocal about the importance of athlete mental health. Helping organizations move beyond rhetoric to improved athlete wellbeing and safety requires evidence-based resources that are setting-appropriate and feasibly implemented. This project will develop and obtain feasibility and acceptability data on “Time Out for Mental Health”—a mental health first aid training for […]

Parent and teacher engagement as an undervalued implementation determinant

The proposed research addresses three important objectives (1) complete a scoping review to map determinants of teacher implementation of evidence-based practices for child behavior in preschool , (2) identify strategies to improve teacher implementation through a series of casual pathway diagrams, and (3) conceptualize and operationalize strategies with stakeholders to increase feasibility.

Parent-Child Assistance Program – Washington

This project provides direction, training, technical assistance, and evaluation of the Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP) being implemented by 13 community agencies and 15 sites serving 20 counties and up to 1490 mothers/families in Washington State.

Participatory policy codesign

CoLab partnered with the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department to develop a health equity policy recommendation using a codesign process that combines research evidence and community and stakeholder voice. The first phase consists of an overarching review to identify existing public health policies that have a strong positive impact on health equity while also synthesizing community-identified […]

Pathways from Chronic Prescription Opioid Use to New Onset Mood Disorder

The proposed research addresses three important objectives including: 1) Can OUD screening be effectively incorporated into primary care mental health screening protocols?; 2) Does implementing Collaborative Care for OUD and mental health disorders improve outcomes?; 3) What implementation strategies are effective at sustaining Collaborative Care programs that concurrently manage mental health disorders and OUD?

Perinatal PCL

The Perinatal Psychiatry Consultation Line (PCL) is a free telephone consultation service for health care providers caring for patients with mental health problems who are pregnant, postpartum, or planning pregnancy. Any health care provider in Washington State can receive consultation, recommendations, and referrals to community resources from a UW psychiatrist with expertise in perinatal mental […]

Pilot study of mHealth for Veterans with serious mental illness

This project aims to examine the feasibility and acceptability of FOCUS, a mobile self-management intervention for individuals with serious mental illnesses. We will recruit 30 veterans receiving services at VA Puget Sound and provide FOCUS for one month, examining feasibility of integrating this intervention into outpatient VA services, acceptability to veterans, and preliminary outcomes including […]

Policy codesign with law enforcement to improve crisis response for people who use drugs

This project examines the acceptability and feasibility of policy codesign process to help three regions in Washington develop their own local strategy to improve crisis response for people who use drugs, focusing on calls with law enforcement. Policy codesign is an evidence-based approach that aims to develop policies from “the ground up” that are tailored to community needs and promote region ownership. […]

Preventing addiction related suicide

To evaluate the use of an existing selective suicide prevention intervention, Preventing Addiction Related Suicide (PARS), for use with Veterans by: 1) adapting and tailoring content to Veteran populations and 2) conducting an open trial within a VA substance use disorder intensive outpatient program.

Project ACE

The objective of this research is to develop and test brief interventions that aim to reduce young adult alcohol misuse by providing personalized feedback regarding alcohol craving. The project involves two phases; one using qualitative methods to inform the intervention development; and a second testing the feasibility, acceptability, and initial efficacy of personalized feedback interventions.

Project AMPS

The goal of this project is to develop and test a 3-week mobile-app that tracks mood, alcohol use, alcohol expectancies, and alcohol-related consequences 2x a day and provides real-time personalized feedback using individuals’ daily experiences and intentions. The app is designed for students attending 2-year/community colleges and 4-year colleges. This work is significant because there […]

Project EQUIP

This is a subaward to an R34 awarded to Dr. Melissa Lewis at University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC). This project develops and tests an intervention for young adults that focuses on motivations for and quality of alcohol and marijuana protective behavior strategy use, including a daily-level examination of these processes.

Project Reflect

This project examines marijuana-specific self-regulation processes in relation to marijuana use and consequences both across days and throughout the day to identify how psychological states and contextual factors influence these self-regulation processes using an EMA design with surveys four times a day for two weeks.

Project RELATE

The present study seeks to significantly expand our understanding of alcohol and cannabis co-use behaviors in the context of young adult romantic relationships through collecting daily dyadic quantitative data and qualitative interviews, and using this information to develop and pilot an integrated brief intervention to decrease alcohol and cannabis misuse and increase healthy relationships skills […]

Project SAM Transitions

This study is conducting secondary analyses on data collected from an unprecedented, recent longitudinal study of young adult drinkers recruited from the community in WA State after adult marijuana use was legalized for recreational purposes, Project Transitions. Analyses will increase our knowledge of concurrent and simultaneous use of alcohol and marijuana across months, specifically examining substitution […]

Project SELF

The objective of this research project is to evaluate whether changes in cognitive factors can reduce hazardous drinking among current and graduating college students. These studies seek to evaluate naturalistic (Study 1) and experimentally-induced (Study 2) changes. The naturalistic study is currently following a sample of recent college graduates, with assessments every 4 months, beginning […]

Project STEP

This project is designed to integrate basic and clinical science to translate mechanisms of recovery from PTSD to testing an intervention in individuals with PTSD and marijuana use. We will recruit 72 individuals with PTSD and varying levels of marijuana use, 36 with current heavy marijuana use and 36 without current marijuana use, to complete […]

Project THRIVE pilot

This study involved developing and preliminarily testing a new app to prevent PTSD and alcohol misuse following recent sexual assault.

Project Transitions

The transition to adulthood is characterized by many changes in various domains of life (e.g., living situation, education, work, romantic relationships) and some transitions may be more impactful on health than others. Project Transitions is designed to understand not only major life changes (e.g., marriage, parenting), but also the many smaller life changes that occur […]

Project VERO: Development and Testing of a Personalized Normative Feedback Intervention for Young Adult Vaccine Hesitancy

Project VERO will develop and test a personalized normative feedback intervention to reduce vaccine hesitancy among young adults. Phase one entails rapid prototyping – utilizing concepts from user experience research – to refine the content and design of the brief intervention. The second phase entails an RCT enrolling unvaccinated young adults from around the US […]

Quantifying socio-cognitive deficits to optimize schizophrenia treatment

Schizophrenia is a debilitating mental health condition with high societal and personal costs, due largely to chronic difficulties with social and occupational functioning. While classical symptoms of schizophrenia – such as hearing voices – are often responsive to medication, people with schizophrenia also experience difficulties in social cognition, or understanding and interpreting the intentions and […]

Re-engineering siloed systems of care through evidence-integrated design thinking

Behavioral health, including suicidal behaviors and problematic substance use, are significant public health concerns and are routinely identified by community health departments as a high priority. However, needed services are highly fragmented across multiple systems (e.g., prevention, primary care, schools). Addressing these urgent public health concerns requires decisionmakers to collaborate and coordinate services. System-level planning […]

Rural Mental Health Integration Initiative (RMHII)

The RMHII is a partnership between the AIMS Center and Premera Blue Cross to expand access to evidence-based mental health treatment in rural areas. The AIMS Center will lead clinic selection, training, technical assistance, and practice coaching for up to 30 primary care clinics in rural Washington and Alaska.

Southern African Research Consortium for Mental Health Integration (S-MHINT)

S-MhINT is a research and capacity building consortium in Southern Africa that aims to strengthen regional mental health integration into primary health, antenatal, and chronic care platforms using implementation science in under-resourced areas of eastern South Africa, central Mozambique, and southern Tanzania. S-MhINT has the following overall aims: 1) To establish and engage a trans- […]

Spanish-language lay-delivered Behavioral Activation in senior centers

This supplement seeks to expand the Collaborative R01 on Lay-delivered Behavioral Activation in Senior Centers for clients whose preferred language is Spanish. The aims are to translate DMFB intervention materials and and test the effect of Spanish DMFB in comparison to professionally-delivered BA (Clinician BA) among older senior center clients on increased activity level and […]


SPARK is an autism research study and a growing community of autistic individuals, their families, and researchers with a goal to advance the understanding of autism. This study aims to improve the lives of people with autism by identifying the causes of autism and informing more effective therapies, treatments, services, and supports.

State Opioid Response Technical Assistance

This project is contributing to the expanded offering of the Opioid Response Network (ORN), a national partnership of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry and the Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) network, to provide on-demand technical assistance in areas of prevention, treatment, and recovery for care related to opioid and stimulant use disorders.

Staying in Touch and Engaged Project (STEP)

The “Staying in Touch and Engaged Project” (STEP) aimed to support Housing First residents in staying in touch with researchers and in engaging in meaningful activities during the COVID-19 outbreak and social distancing directives. A 16-week, two-group randomized controlled pilot trial compared remote assessment of substance-use and health-related quality of life assessment paired with immediate […]

Study to Promote Innovation in Rural Integrated Telepsychiatry (SPIRIT)

The primary goal of this project is to quantitatively compare the treatment experience, engagement, self-reported clinical outcomes, and recovery-oriented outcomes of patients initially randomized to telepsychiatry collaborative care and telepsychiatry enhanced referral. In addition, for the subset of patients randomized to telepsychiatry enhanced referral who do not engage in treatment and are still symptomatic at […]

Suicide risk screening in acute and intensive care at a Level 1 Trauma Center

Patients hospitalized for medical, surgical, or traumatic injury reasons at Harborview Medical Center are universally screened for suicide risk. The present research will advance knowledge about the practices occurring at this large healthcare institution serving the public and social safety net population and set the groundwork necessary for conducting future research designed to improve services […]

Supervisor tools for quality

The Supervisory Tools for Quality initiative recognizes the integral role that clinical supervisors play in supporting behavioral health clinicians’ use of effective practices in community mental health agencies, and aims to leverage this role to improve the scale up and sustained use of quality behavioral health services. Specifically, this project is focused on the development […]

Sustaining quality

Several recent studies have found that for evidence-based psychosocial interventions (EBPIs) to be delivered more effectively, sustained quality, ongoing supervision, and guidance is critical. This study will develop an electronic support tool to support quality delivery of PST that is based on clinician feedback. We hypothesize that supporting clinician delivery of EBPIs will result in […]

Synthesizing position emission tomography (PET) data from MRI using deep learning

Positron emission tomography (PET) is an imaging technique that uses radioactive substances to visualize and assess the brain function. Apart from its heavy use in clinical oncology, PET is widely used in a variety of other conditions such as various neurological, psychiatric, neuropsychological, and cognitive disorders and is the gold standard for assessing neurodegeneration. In […]

Systematic redesign of an autism community implementation toolkit for schools

The aims of the current project are to: 1) Engage stakeholders to identify targets for ACT SMART redesign to optimize its fit for middle and high school providers who serve autistic adolescents; 2) Conduct prototyping and usability field testing of the redesigned ACT SMART and iteratively refine to ensure usability, feasibility, acceptability, and appropriateness for […]

The Doorway Project

The Doorway project is a University of Washington and YouthCare-led initiative focusing on addressing youth homelessness in the University District through continuous community-engaged collaboration with U District service providers and community members. The primary aim of the project is to center the voices of youth and young adults in the U-district who are experiencing homelessness […]

The Life Enhancing Alcohol-management Program 2.0 (LEAP 2.0)

LEAP 2.0 builds on a longstanding partnership between the UW HaRRT Center and housing first residents, staff, and management of DESC. The pilot program was developed through a community based participatory research framework, and entails low-barrier, community-level, house-wide resident programming—including leadership opportunities, activities, and pathways to recovery. Results from the pilot indicated that LEAP participants […]

The PREDICT study: a personalized medicine approach to prazosin for PTSD

Prazosin, like many of our most effective treatments for PTSD, seems to be significantly more effective for some individuals than others. We have hypothesized that this is because prazosin works to compensate for increased noradrenergic signaling, which is a primary driver of symptoms in some, but not all, individuals with PTSD. If we could identify […]

The Teen Identity Project (TIP)

The proposed research aims to qualitatively assess identification with cannabis and develop novel measures of cannabis identity to evaluate as cognitive and developmental risk factors for adolescent cannabis misuse. Findings from the proposed research are intended to improve the prediction of cannabis misuse among adolescents and to potentially identify a novel target for prevention and […]

Treating Parents and Children with ADHD (TPAC)

ADHD often runs in families. The TPAC study focuses on parents with ADHD who also have a child with the disorder, aiming to open the door to new ADHD treatments for adults and children. All parents in the study receive training that uses behavior modification techniques and reward-based interventions to improve communication, increase compliance and […]

Understanding mental health problems and health risk behaviors among LGBT Veterans

LGBT Veterans have faced a long history of stigma, discrimination, and exclusionary policies that were intended to exclude them from military service. Despite recent shifts in policy and increased staff trainings, existing evidence suggests that this group is at high risk for health disparities, particularly with respect to mental health and health risk behaviors. While […]

Understanding practical alcohol measures in primary care to prepare for measurement-based care

Standardized measurements of unhealthy drinking and alcohol use disorder symptoms are integral to addressing alcohol problems. However, surprisingly little is known about how measures of alcohol consumption and alcohol use disorder symptoms function when they are used in real-world routine care settings and documented in electronic health records (EHRs). We propose to leverage EHRs to […]

Understanding the support needs of gender expansive youth

Approximately 35% of youth who identified as transgender report having attempted suicide in the past 12 months. Despite this high risk, few preventive interventions have been developed specifically to address the unique needs of this group who experience high rates of marginalization, victimization and social isolation based on their gender identities. This study will use […]

Using deep learning to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease and predict its progression

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a degenerative condition that affected 5.8 million seniors in 2020 and is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. Detecting mild cognitive impairment, often a precursor to AD, and predicting its advance to AD dementia are key clinical diagnostic problems. Early diagnosis can motivate early intervention with lifestyle […]

Using neurocomputational modeling to track memory decline

The most salient and debilitating aspect of dementia is memory loss. Unfortunately, memory loss is also the most difficult to quantify because it relies on doctor-administered tests that cannot be repeated very often. Without frequent and accurate measurements, it is difficult for clinicians to make reliable diagnoses, for patients and their caretakers to prepare in […]

Using routine alcohol screening measures to identify 1-year risk of suicidal ideation, intent, and planning within a large primary care system in Washington

This study will use a large population-based primary care sample in Washington state to understand how heavy alcohol use and alcohol use disorder symptoms contribute to suicidal thoughts. This study will allow examination of how different levels of alcohol use can predict short term risk of suicidality and allow us to better identify and support […]

Using technology to scale Caring Contacts and reduce suicide

On top of climate change, political divisiveness and cultural turbulence, we have faced the most devastating pandemic since global influenza 100 years ago. The resulting social and economic stresses have manifested as widespread anxiety, a worsening opioid epidemic and the highest suicide rates in decades. Proven behavioral health strategies like Caring Contacts offer hope. Caring […]

Washington State COVID-19 pregnancy collaborative

The objective of this proposal was to investigate the effects of a highly communicable infectious disease leading to severe pneumonia and death (COVID-19) in pregnant women in Washington State. Pregnant women are typically a highly vulnerable group to pathogenic respiratory viruses and have the highest WHO priority for influenza vaccination in a pandemic. The team’s […]

WHO special initiative for mental health

The WHO Director-General has identified mental health for accelerated implementation as part of WHOs 13th General Programme of Work (GPW13), covering 2019-2023. In response, WHO MSD established the WHO Special Initiation for Mental Health (2019-2023): Universal Health Coverage (UHC) for Mental Health; an ambitious plan to support 12 countries to include mental health in UHC, […]

WITH (Whole person Integrated Texting for Health)

Text messaging holds promise as a strategy for engaging older adults in depression treatment. The purpose of this project will be to develop and pilot test a text messaging intervention delivered in primary care settings practicing integrated care. Recent data shows that the vast majority of older adults have a cell phone and that about […]

Workforce Innovation and Leadership in Forensic Mental Health

The Center for Mental Health, Policy, and the Law (CMHPL), through an operations grant, is developing programming in Workforce Innovation and Leadership in Forensic Mental Health to address the forensic mental health workforce shortage. The CMHPL anticipates the programming will have a direct impact on recruitment and retention of mental health professionals who work in […]

Youth clinician training

This project offered training workshops in a range of useful youth treatment and recovery practices for members of the addiction workforce in WA state.