Project Type(s):
Population Health/Implementation
LGBT Veterans have faced a long history of stigma, discrimination, and exclusionary policies that were intended to exclude them from military service. Despite recent shifts in policy and increased staff trainings, existing evidence suggests that this group is at high risk for health disparities, particularly with respect to mental health and health risk behaviors. While informative, the research to date has been limited in several respects: cross-sectional designs, collapsing LGBT subgroups, severe lack of data on some subgroups, problems with identifying a comparison group, and lack of data on risk and protective factors and care experiences. This prospective cohort study will fill these gaps, recruiting and conducting surveys online with 1,600 Veterans to identify health disparities, test a conceptual model of prospective risk and protective factors, and assess VA utilization, barriers to care, and treatment preferences. Data from this study will inform future intervention efforts to achieve health equity for LGBT Veterans.
Project Period:
April 1, 2019 — September 30, 2023
Funding Type(s):
Geographic Area(s):
Practice Type(s):
Online/remote/apps/social media
Patient Population(s):
Targeted Condition(s):
Anxiety, Depression, Health disparities, PTSD, Substance use disorders/misuse, Suicidal Ideation