Isaac Rhew, PhD, MPH

Personal Statement

I am a psychiatric epidemiologist with interests in the etiology and prevention of substance use, internalizing mental health problems, and their co-occurrence. My research explores these phenomena across multiple levels of influence–from within-individual factors that can vary over time to broader neighborhood- and other area-level contextual factors. I am also interested in the application of innovative epidemiologic and statistical methods.


PhD, Epidemiology, University of Washington, 2006-2009
MPH, Epidemiology, University of Washington, 2003-2006
BA, Psychology, Stanford University, 1991-1995

Department Affiliations

Other Affiliations

University of Washington Department of Epidemiology

Recent Publications

Prevalence of alcohol use disorders documented in electronic health records in primary care across intersections of race or ethnicity, sex, and socioeconomic status.
(2024 Aug 30)
Addict Sci Clin Pract 19(1): 61
Ellis RL, Hallgren KA, Williams EC, Glass JE, Rhew IC, Oliver M, Bradley KA

Disaggregated Suicide Mortality Rates Among Asian American Youths and Young Adults by Ethnic Subgroup.
(2024 Aug 19)
JAMA Pediatr
Bui AL, Rhew IC, Rivara FP, Coker TR

Age-related Changes in Past-Month Alcohol, Cannabis, and Simultaneous Use in a Statewide Sample of Young Adults in Washington State.
(2024 Aug 10)
J Stud Alcohol Drugs
Fairlie AM, Calhoun BH, Fleming C, Delawalla MLM, Martinez G, Halvorson MA, Rhew IC, Kilmer JR, Guttmannova K

Trajectory of depressive symptoms in the context of romantic relationship breakup: Characterizing the "natural course" of response and recovery in young adults.
(2023 Oct)
Emerg Adulthood 11(5): 1211-1222
Acolin J, Cadigan JM, Fleming CB, Rhew IC, Lee CM

Violent deaths among individuals subject to domestic violence protection orders in King County, Washington, USA, 2014-2020.
(2024 Jul 31)
Inj Prev
Dalve K, Ellyson AM, Bowen D, Rhew IC, Rivara FP, Rowhani-Rahbar A

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