What’s driving the demand for ADHD drugs like Adderall

Time | April 12, 2023

For some people, the pandemic may have been a tipping point from manageable concentration issues to those that required professional help, says Margaret Sibley, PhD. Many people were forced out of their normal work and school routines, stressed, sleeping less, and scrolling social media more—a perfect storm of distraction that may have exacerbated symptoms in some people.

Improving mental health outcomes in perinatal populations

Department news | March 30, 2023

Generous philanthropic gifts from the Perigee Fund and Gerlich Family have made it possible for the UW Perinatal Mental Health & Substance Use Education, Research & Clinical Consultation Center (PERC Center) to offer treatment through the UW Perinatal Telepsychiatry Clinic, and an anonymous donor gift is enabling PERC to establish best practices for mental health screening, follow up, case management, symptom tracking and clinical care for all Medicaid-insured women receiving prenatal or postpartum care.

Peer Bridgers program expands at HMC with donor support

Department news | March 30, 2023

Harborview has implemented a Peer Bridger model of peer support since 2013, and with donor support, it is expanding the Peer Bridger program in a new way: connecting Peer Bridgers with patients from the beginning of care, right in the Psychiatric Emergency Department.