Drugs.com | October 16, 2023
Research led by John Fortney, PhD, indicates implementation of opioid use disorder (OUD) screening in primary care does not increase the percentage of patients with a new OUD diagnosis in a clinically meaningful way.
Drugs.com | October 16, 2023
Research led by John Fortney, PhD, indicates implementation of opioid use disorder (OUD) screening in primary care does not increase the percentage of patients with a new OUD diagnosis in a clinically meaningful way.
South Seattle Emerald | October 16, 2023
Katherine Hoerster, PhD, MPH, co-authored an op-ed advocating for equitable, healthy routes to school drawing upon personal experience and an observational study funded by the UW Population Health Initiative.
The Spokesman-Review | October 10, 2023
Tom Grabowski, MD, holder of the Tim B. Engle Endowed Professorship for Brain Health Innovations funded by the Garvey Institute, provided insights into Alzheimer's research.
Right as Rain | October 4, 2023
Kristen Lindgren, PhD, ABPP, was surprised more researchers aren’t asking questions about the mental health impacts of student loan debt so she decided to study it herself.
Department news | September 28, 2023
Congratulations to John Fortney, PhD, for being named to the Population Health Initiative Executive Council as a representative of the School of Medicine (SOM).
Department news | September 28, 2023
Patricia Areán, PhD, became the new director of the National Institute of Mental Health’s (NIMH) Division of Services and Intervention Research (DSIR) in August.
Department news | September 28, 2023
We are also sad to share the recent passing oh Ann Streissguth, PhD, an internationally renowned expert on fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) and a former faculty member in our department, and Peter Maxim, MD, PhD, a talented and highly accomplished psychiatrist, teacher and researcher and former director of our Psychiatry Residency Training Program.
Department news | September 28, 2023
The former “Behavioral Health Teaching Facility” is now the “Center for Behavioral Health and Learning.” This time, the letters for the building façade have been purchased so we suspect the new name will stick.
Department news | September 28, 2023
The Washington State Mental Health Summit will launch six new initiatives this year when stakeholders from across the state gather on Thursday, November 2 at the Husky Union Building or attend virtually.
Department news | September 28, 2023
We received the outstanding news in August that our Clinical Psychology Internship Training Program received accreditation renewal for the next 10 years.