Caleb Banta-Green, PhD, MPH, MSW

Dr. Banta-Green studies substance use involving opioids and stimulants and interventions to support recovery and reduce substance-related harms. He is particularly interested in developing interventions that are accessible to all people, including those who are most marginalized, such as those who are unhoused, utilizing services syringe service programs, and/or in the criminal legal system. He provides technical assistance and evaluation services for public health and safety interventions including the website, and information for the general public and professionals about effective treatments at As an epidemiologist he develops innovative approaches to measuring the use and impacts of substances as well as service utilization. His health services research involves clinical trials, implementation research, and secondary data analyses. He serves on local, state, and federal workgroups and committees related to epidemiology, policy, and interventions for illicit substance-related problems. He is a member of the U.S. Health and Human Service’s Interdepartmental Substance Use Disorders Coordinating Committee.

Department Affiliations

Other Affiliations

School of Public Health, Department of Health Services

Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center

Recent Publications

Expanding Access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder: Federal Policy Is Only a Part of the Solution.
(2024 Jul)
Am J Public Health 114(7): 693-695
Heidari O, Banta-Green CJ

Acceptability and anticipated effectiveness of a safe supply of opioids, among people who inject opioids in King County, WA.
(2024 May)
Int J Drug Policy 127(): 104389
Palayew A, Banta-Green CJ, Lamont M, Damper D, Moreno C, Goodreau SM, Mooney SJ, Glick SN

Emergency Room Utilization and Methamphetamine Overdose Symptoms Among Syringe Services Program Participants in Washington State.
Subst Use Misuse 59(7): 1012-1019
Frank ND, Banta-Green CJ, Guthrie BL, Kingston S, Tinsley J, Whiteside L, Glick SN

Trends and correlates of naloxone possession and use among people who inject drugs in Seattle, Washington.
(2023 Dec 5)
Int J Drug Policy
Zinsli KA, Banta-Green CJ, Whiteside LK, Hood J, Kingston S, Tinsley J, Moreno C, Glick SN

Racial disparities in use of syringe service programs in King County, WA: a comparison of two cross-sectional surveys.
(2023 Sep 14)
Harm Reduct J 20(1): 133
Salow K, Jack HE, Tinsley J, Banta-Green CJ, Kingston S, Iles-Shih M, Tsui JI, Glick S

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