Alcohol-focused Support of Survivors In Sororities Training (ASSIST)

The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate a new online program called ASSIST – Alcohol-focused Support of Survivors In Sororities Training. The training is designed to help sorority members learn how to support friends who have had an unwanted sexual experience, both during the initial discussion of the experience and when navigating […]

All Patients Safe

All Patients Safe, an interactive, online suicide prevention training that meets Washington State’s licensure requirements for health care providers, has trained nearly 1900 providers to date. The training provides practical skills for medical professionals, perspectives of real patients, and concrete steps for practice change. Partners in development include the AIMS Center, Forefront Suicide Prevention, the Department of […]

Applying Critical Race Theory to investigate the impact of COVID-19-related policy changes on racial/ethnic disparities in medication treatment for opioid use disorder

With the rise in opioid use disorder (OUD) and overdose, racialized disparities in buprenorphine access and use are a significant concern nationally—studies estimate that Black patients with OUD are 50-60% less likely to access buprenorphine compared to White patients, and similar disparities have also been observed for Hispanic/Latinx patients. COVID-19-related policy changes increased flexibility in […]

Autism Intervention Network on Behavioral Health (AIR-B)

The purpose of this multi-site study is to develop and evaluate a multi-phase implementation and sustainment strategy to support evidence-based practice use across different interventions for individuals with autism, settings, and ages. *In partnership with UCLA, UC Davis, Rochester, Penn, Drexel, and Kansas

Behavioral Health Support Specialist (BHSS)

Our goals for this project include (1) Design competency framework and learning objectives that define the role and scope of practice for a BHSS; (2) Scale the role for Washington state by creating processes for integrating the BHSS Clinical Training Program into existing four-year degree programs in the behavioral healthcare field; (3) Partner with Washington […]

Behaviors and Executive Skills in T21 (BEST21)

We are conducting a study to understand the role of problem-solving in challenging behaviors for children with Down syndrome so that we can better understand the development of and treat these behaviors. If you agree to participate, this study will involve questionnaires, some of which may be completed at home. You would also attend an […]

Beliefs and Attitudes for Successful Implementation in Schools – Teachers (BASIS-T)

We have developed – and are currently conducting a large-scale randomized trial of – at teacher-focused version of the Beliefs and Attitudes for Successful Implementation in Schools (BASIS) implementation strategy. BASIS-T is being tested in context of Positive Greetings at the Door (PGD) implementation. Details are available in a study protocol published in Implementation Science.

Bipolar disorder measures in clinical care

The goals of this project are to 1) determine which validated bipolar disorder patient-reported symptom measure is most acceptable and helpful to patients and clinicians in clinical care, 2) demonstrate that the preferred measure can be used to monitor outcomes with high fidelity in routine care, and 3) assess the feasibility of comparing effectiveness of […]

Canoe Journey: Land, water, language and culture for youth wellbeing

The Canoe Journey study is an exploratory study aimed at examining the acceptability and fit of motivational interviewing (MI) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) among American Indian and Alaska Native youth and young adult Canoe Journey participants. The team will develop a list of MI and DBT approaches in collaboration with Canoe Journey partners, and […]

CANOE partnership: Cancer Awareness, Navigation, Outreach, and Equitable Indigenous Health Outcomes

The CANOE Partnership: Cancer Awareness, Navigation, Outreach, and Equitable Indigenous Health Outcomes responds to the need to improve cancer outcomes for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities. Our Overall Specific Aims are: (1) Improve rates of cessation of commercial tobacco smoking among a nationally recruited sample of AI/AN adults (Research Project 1); 2) Improve […]


citiesRISE is a global platform committed to transforming the state of mental health policy and practice in cities and beyond to meet the mental health needs of populations across the world. To achieve significant, measurable improvements in mental health – especially among young people – citiesRISE is scaling up proven methodologies and tools and harnessing […]

Collaborative care for perinatal mental health – the LAMMHA project

Los Angeles Maternal Mental Health Access (LAMMHA) is a five year program (2022 – 2027) funded by The California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) to support health centers in Los Angeles to identify and treat common perinatal mental disorders (CPMD) and reduce the risk of suicide. The LAMMHA initiative is a collaboration between Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles […]

COVID-19 pandemic and changes in the prevalence, patterns, and trajectories of substance use and related health risk outcomes among young adults in WA State

This project examines changes in young adult substance use, related health risk behaviors, and substance use-related risk factors from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic among young adults in WA state (where alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis sales and use are legal for adults age 21 and over) using the accelerated longitudinal cohort sequential data from […]

Deciphering Mechanisms of ECT Outcomes and Adverse Effects (DECODE)

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is one of the most effective antidepressant non-invasive brain stimulation therapies for adults with major depression. However, a number of patients fail to respond despite adequate trials, and while clinically beneficial, ECT can produce adverse cognitive effects including amnesia, executive dysfunction, and verbal dysfluency. In this prospective study, we propose the first […]

Decision During Drinking (D3 Study)

This multiphase project aims to 1) understand more about cues that young adults experience that influence their decisions while drinking that may lead to unwanted outcomes or experiences; and 2) use human center design and young adult feedback to develop and assess the feasibility of an electronic program or resources to focused on reducing these […]

Default mode network impairments in comorbid anxiety and cannabis use disorders

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is characterized by maladaptive self-focused attention (SFA), which itself is correlated with large scale brain network connectivity impairments. Cannabis use disorder (CUD) is commonly conceptualized as impaired reward processing within the ventral dopaminergic network, however, it is also implicated in connectivity disturbances in other critical cortical circuits. In the current study […]

Determining if activity in specific lateral habenula output pathways motivates avoidance of synthetic opioid withdrawal or cue induced reinstatement

Fentanyl abuse has reached epidemic proportions in the United States and is responsible for more than 70,000 overdose deaths each year. Avoidance of significant physical and emotional turmoil during withdrawal and exposure to drug-associated cues are two key deterrents to voluntary abstinence in those suffering from substance abuse disorder. By investigating the localized neuronal projections […]

Developing a hospital-based treatment engagement program for Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol use disorder (AUD) frequently results in serious illness, injuries, and hospitalizations. Surviving illness or injuries related to alcohol use can motivate behavior change that could be harnessed through treatment engagement for AUD in the hospital; however, in general hospital settings, patients are rarely presented with more than a piece of paper with phone numbers […]

Developing an artificial intelligence digital navigator system to support patients’ use of technology-based interventions

The objective of this project is to leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) to create COACH: an on-device AI-driven digital navigator system that will support patients’ effective use of Digital Mental Health Technologies. We aim to: 1. Develop a prototype chatbot-based digital navigator; 2. Conduct preliminary evaluation of the system including lab-based usability testing with healthy participants […]


The unprecedented global pandemic has highlighted the digital divide and limited access to alcohol-related treatments among marginalized communities, specifically individuals with lived experience of homelessness. In line with the NIAAA health initiative seeking to integrate technology-based interventions among vulnerable populations, this study directly addresses this mission by proposing innovative methods (i.e., user-centered design + a […]

eHaRT-A: adapting an in-person harm reduction for alcohol intervention into a telehealth platform

The unprecedented global pandemic has highlighted the digital divide and limited access to alcohol-related treatments among marginalized communities, specifically individuals with lived experience of homelessness. In line with the NIAAA health initiative seeking to integrate technology-based interventions among vulnerable populations, this study directly addresses this mission by proposing innovative methods (i.e., user-centered design + a […]

Enhancing Suicide Care Monitoring and Intervention in Primary Care

This project outlines a comprehensive two-year initiative aimed at enhancing suicide care services in primary care settings. The project addresses a critical gap in the continuum of care by providing interim crisis support for at-risk patients who are waiting to be connected to specialty mental health. The main objectives of this project are to develop […]

Evaluating large language models in conveying determinants of mental health

This project aims to evaluate LLMs’ bias and accuracy in conveying the causes of mental health disorders (e.g., anxiety). We will address the absence of related data and the challenge of annotating data by responsibly collecting human-LLM conversations about mental health advice and working with domain experts to create fact sheets about mental health conditions’ […]

Evaluation of an asynchronous remote communities approach to behavioral activation for depressed adolescents

In an effort to address the significant challenges in access to and engagement with evidence-based psychosocial interventions for adolescent depression, the proposed research is piloting the use of Asynchronous Remote Communities (ARC) supported behavioral activation (BA) to treat adolescent depression. We aim to 1) build and conduct usability testing on a functional and robust ActivaTeen […]

Event- related potential (ERP) as a biomarker for subtyping neurobiology of PTSD: A pilot study

This PTSD-focused methods-development EEG project aims to develop new tools for a) predicting PTSD treatment response, b) understanding the underlying biological process, and c) supporting the development of new treatments for PSTD. We are using an event-related potential (ERP) paradigm to develop non-invasive, easily implemented in clinic biomarker to provide useful information about the neurobiology […]

Exploring the implementation determinants of paraprofessional task-shared mental roles in integrated behavioral care settings in Washington State 

The gap between the number of people needing and accessing mental health care has led to the development of new types of mental health providers to help expand access to care. These providers, referred to as paraprofessionals, have typically at most a bachelor’s degree and treat mild and moderate depression and anxiety. However, because the […]

GATHER: Growing a Tribal Healing Effort through Research

The GATHER initiative aims to: 1) Coordinate a national research network to support tribally led research on etiology and prevention of overdose, substance use, mental health, and pain management. 2) Provide administrative support and shared resources to facilitate the successful completion of N CREW research projects. 3) Provide an administrative infrastructure, intellectual environment, and access […]

Harnessing the ECHO Model to help Washingtonians with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of disability in Washington state and throughout the US. TBI increases the risk and complexity of multiple behavioral health conditions including post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, irritability, anger/aggression, substance misuse and cognitive impairment. In addition, TBI impairs a person’s ability to manage their health care and […]

Harnessing the power of social support for weight management: a randomized controlled trial of HealthyTogether

We developed a behavioral intervention that seeks to support healthy lifestyles among Veterans by harnessing their social support networks called HealthyTogether. This trial has several aims: 1) Test whether HealthyTogether results in greater weight loss than usual care at six months among Veterans (primary); 2) Examine differences between HealthyTogether and usual care groups in secondary […]

Implementation Toolkit to Enhance EBP Among Marginalized Families (I-TEAM)

Although the efficacy of early intervention (EI) for autistic children and their families has been established, many marginalized families with diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds still report inequitable access to evidence-based practices (EBP). The proposed research addresses three aims including: AIM 1. Identify facilitators and barriers of EBP implementation among marginalized families of young autistic […]

Improving treatment strategies and clinical outcomes in patients with first-episode psychosis and substance use disorders

Our project will seek to identify factors associated with gaps in transitions of care for psychiatric inpatients who presented with substance-induced psychosis (SIP) for the first time. We will analyze historical electronic health record data of patients who were treated for psychosis at Harborview Medical Center. We will test the hypotheses that (1) treatment with […]

Initial efficacy trial of a group-based implementation strategy designed to increase teacher delivery of evidence-based prevention programs

The purpose of this project is to test the effects of BASIS-T (Beliefs and Attitudes to Support Implementation in Schools – Teachers) on the implementation and student outcomes of evidence-based prevention programs (EBPP) via a hybrid type 3 implementation-effectiveness trial. Failing to address individual-level motivational factors of implementers is especially costly, as individual behavior change […]

Lay-delivered behavioral activation in senior centers

This collaborative study with Cornell Medical College and the University of Florida tests the effectiveness of “Do More, Feel Better” (DMFB), a lay health delivered behavioral intervention, in comparison to professionally-delivered Behavioral Activation. The specific aims are to test the effectiveness of “Do More, Feel Better” for depressed older adults on increasing overall activity level and […]

Machine learning algorithms using natural language processing: A new screening approach for inpatient violence based on clinical notes 

Despite increasing violence, verbal abuse, and threats against healthcare workers by hospitalized patients, few methods can accurately and efficiently screen patients for this outcome. Our project aims to create an algorithm powered by natural language processing—a form of artificial intelligence—to “read” clinical notes and identify high-risk patients prior to violent events. To ensure equitable care, […]

Making generative AI safe for people with mental health conditions

Hundreds of millions of people are already using Large Language Models (LLMs), including for mental health purposes, which has led to inadvertent harms. Critically, people with mental health conditions may be especially vulnerable to such harms. In this project, we will develop the first computational framework to systematically quantify and benchmark the risks that LLMs […]

Modeling patient mutations in iPSC-derived neurons to reveal cellular mechanisms of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a common and devastating neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by genetic heterogeneity. In this project, genes that are disrupted by rare, damaging mutations in individuals with schizophrenia will be evaluated using CRISPRi in iPSCs. Cell lines will be evaluated for phenotypes relevant to schizophrenia. A patient-derived iPSC line will be created that harbors a mutation […]

MOVE!+UP: Testing a tailored weight management program for Veterans with PTSD

This Hybrid Type 1 Trial will test the effectiveness of MOVE!+UP, a behavioral weight management intervention tailored to address PTSD-based weight loss barriers. The trial will compare MOVE!+UP to VA’s standard weight loss program on weight and PTSD symptom changes. The study also will identify implementation barriers and facilitators to help understand effectiveness findings and […]

NORTH: Developing a mobile health intervention to support treatment seeking in early psychosis

The proposed research project proposes to develop and test a mobile intervention, Normalizing Orientation to Treatment and Help-Seeking (NORTH) designed to impact knowledge and attitudes to encourage help-seeking among young adults at risk for psychosis. This project involves (1) a needs assessment to understand barriers, interests and preferences related to mHealth and in-person treatment, (2) […]

Once-weekly GLP-1R agonist dulaglutide for treatment of fentanyl use disorder and modulation of lateral habenula activity in male and female rats

Current pharmacological treatments for fentanyl use disorder, primarily opioid replacements, have proven insufficient to stem the tide of fentanyl related suffering and deaths. Novel pharmacotherapies are desperately needed, ideally ones that are non-opioid, highly convenient, and produce minimal side effects. One promising class of drugs that meets these criteria are glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor […]

Optimizing telemental health with live artificial intelligence clinical scaffolding and feedback

This project aims to develop a clinical scaffolding system to enhance telemental health care by providing real-time coaching and actionable suggestions during video-based sessions. Modeled after live supervision methodologies, it supports clinicians by identifying intervention targets and offering text-based coaching prompts to guide care. Unlike automated chatbots, this approach enables clinicians to adapt suggestions to […]

Partnering with patients to re-envision psychiatric hospitalization and discharge

We will analyze people’s stories about psychiatric hospitalization, interview people with experiences surrounding psychiatric hospitalization, and co-design with them to identify alternative approaches that would help people care for themselves as they transition out of the hospital. We will build upon our prior work on understanding patients’ challenges and co-designing new systems that help patients […]

PHSKC Planning and Evaluation

Project includes activities surrounding the provision of evaluation, training, and consultation services to PHSKC. These include developing, conducting and analyzing a needs assessment for mental health providers and agency leads to further refine a tier 2/3 model of care. Training and consultation supports will be provided.

Project Better

The co-occurrence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and hazardous drinking (HD) can be particularly devastating; though evidence-based treatments exist, many individuals with this co-occurrence drop out from or do not or cannot access specialty care. Text-messaging is a mode of intervention delivery that is low-cost, low-burden, and accessible to most people; development and testing of […]

Project SARAH (Sexual Assault, Recovery & Hope)

Project SARAH is a randomized clinical trial providing treatment for PTSD and alcohol use in the first year following sexual assault for individuals who identify as female. The study aims to test 1) the role of fear and reward in recovery following sexual assault; 2) the efficacy of a PTSD vs an alcohol intervention for […]

Psychosis beyond symptoms: Cognitive and genetic biomarkers of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a prevalent, debilitating psychiatric disorder that is diagnosed based on clinical interviews that are subjective and highly variable; in fact, two patients can have no overlapping symptoms and be diagnosed with the same disease. While cardiologists have blood tests to help diagnose heart attacks and oncologists have PET scans to find hidden cancers, […]

Real-world Experiences of Alcohol and Cognitions over Time (REACT)

The overall aim of the REACT Study is to create and assess smartphone-based cognitive tasks to examine how acute alcohol intoxication affects attention. First, we will adapt laboratory-based cognitive tasks for use on smartphones. To maximize usability, feedback will be gathered in rapid prototyping interviews with young adults. Then, we will evaluate the adapted smartphone […]

School-Based Paraeducator Education for Engagement at Recess (SPEER)

The purpose of this study is to compare two implementation strategies for a social engagement intervention that supports autistic children and their non-autistic peers during recess. Remaking Recess has been shown to improve peer engagement for autistic students when implemented by paraeducators during recess. However, without supports, paraeducators face barriers to implementing the intervention well. […]

Self-directed mindfulness in medically hospitalized patients: a pragmatic trial

Consultation-liaison psychiatrists are often asked to manage mood and anxiety symptoms experienced by patients admitted to medical and surgical floors of the hospital. This study aims to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of a self-directed mindfulness intervention as an adjunctive treatment for improving mood, anxiety, and perceived stress in medically hospitalized patients. Participants, consisting of […]

Sequenced Treatment Effectiveness for Posttraumatic Stress (STEPS)

The proposed research will determine whether primary care clinics should offer medications or talk therapy first to treat posttraumatic stress. In addition, for patients who do not respond to the first treatment, the STEPS trial will determine what treatment should be offered next. More information on our info sheet.

State Implementation and Scaling-up of Evidence-based Practices (SISEP) Center

The State Implementation and Scaling-up of Evidence-based Practices (SISEP) Center is a national technical assistance center funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs. Through this subcontract, the UW SMART Center has a subcontract to develop a micro-credentialing program on implementation science (IS) for educators, and to develop and convene a […]

Strengthening financial literacy for people living with serious mental illness

Improved financial literacy among people living with serious mental illness (SMI) is associated with a higher quality of life, fewer hospitalizations, and better treatment adherence. Yet people living with SMI frequently express how their lack of financial knowledge has negative personal consequences and that they don’t know where to turn for assistance. This project will […]

Testing the efficacy of the Helping Educational Leaders Mobilize Evidence (HELM) implementation strategy

This study will examine the efficacy of the Helping Educational Leaders Mobilize Evidence (HELM) implementation strategy for promoting building-level implementation leadership, implementation climate, and high-fidelity delivery of evidence-based practices. This study tests whether HELM improves outcomes when used in conjunction with Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), an evidence-based practice. The researchers will compare the […]

The ATTEND study for Healthcare Workers and First Responders

Healthcare workers and first responders working during the COVID-19 pandemic have experienced increased exposure to suffering and loss; prolonged work hours; and increased personal risk. Although associated increases in psychiatric symptoms and occupational burnout are well documented, what aspects of the experiences are most strongly associated with negative outcomes over time – and what interventions […]


This is a study of an app intended to support recent sexual assault survivors, called THRIVE. In a prior grant, we pilot tested THRIVE and found that it reduced risk for alcohol misuse and posttraumatic stress. In the first year of this grant, we aim to revise the app to increase usability and inclusivity. In […]

TIGER: The Investigation of Genetic Exome Research

In the TIGER research study, we are learning more about individuals with genetic events associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellectual disability (ID), and/or developmental delay (DD) in order to better describe how different gene disruptions impact behavior in children and adults.

Trigeminal nerve stimulation (TNS) for ADHD

TNS uses a device to send currents into the brain and stimulate the trigeminal nerve. This method has proven effective to treat depression and other psychiatric disorders. The research team is working to understand if this approach could help improve executive function and reduce symptoms of ADHD. Previous studies have shown that this is effective […]

Using Large Language Models to identify video platform interactions indicating suicide risk

This project will identify interaction patterns with online video platforms that are indicative of suicide risk, focusing on YouTube and TikTok. Leveraging archival data including over 5 million interaction events collected from participants in previous research, we will use combinations of neural language models to identify suicide-related “like”, “search” and “watch” events. We will then […]

Using technology to optimize Collaborative Care management of depression in urban and rural cancer centers (SCOPE)

This project aims to improve the treatment of depression in cancer patients. Up to 25% of people with cancer will become clinically depressed, significantly affecting their quality of life, functioning, and ability to tolerate cancer treatment. Unfortunately, about 75% of cancer patients with depression do not receive adequate treatment, and patients in rural settings are […]

Validating changes in a primary-care based alcohol use screening instrument for predicting changes in risk for psychiatric acute care utilization

Approximately 20-25% of primary care patients have unhealthy alcohol use, which can have significant impacts on mental health. Screening for unhealthy alcohol use within primary care settings is increasingly used for point-in-time identification of people who could benefit from brief advice or brief interventions. My project will use a large, longitudinal, real-world dataset consisting of […]

Willow Study

The goal of this study is to understand the impact of stigma on mental health and recovery from trauma in different parts of the country.