Project Type(s):
Basic Science
- Jason Kilmer, PhD
- Mary Larimer, PhD
- Isaac Rhew, PhD, MPH
- Brittney Hultgren, PhD
- Brian Calhoun, PhD
- Charles Fleming, MA
This project examines changes in young adult substance use, related health risk behaviors, and substance use-related risk factors from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic among young adults in WA state (where alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis sales and use are legal for adults age 21 and over) using the accelerated longitudinal cohort sequential data from the Washington Young Adult Health Study. Findings will inform tailoring and development of prevention and intervention efforts aimed at reducing health risk behaviors and improving public health in emergent situations that pose serious challenges for effective long-term planning of such efforts.
Project Period:
September 16, 2022 — August 31, 2025
Funding Type(s):
Geographic Area(s):
Patient Population(s):
Young Adults
Targeted Condition(s):
Heath risk behaviors/health behaviors, Substance use disorders/misuse