Brittney Hultgren, PhD

I am interested in assessing risky alcohol and substance use and related consequences in young adults, with a specific focus on impaired driving-related behaviors. My work has mostly utilized a behavioral decision-making approach to understand factors that influence young adults’ decisions to engage in risky behaviors. I am also interested in developing and adapting prevention and intervention programs to reduce alcohol and substance use and consequences.


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Recent Publications

Young Adult Alcohol and Cannabis Impaired Driving After the Opening of Cannabis Retail Stores in Washington State.
(2024 Jul)
Prev Sci 25(5): 749-759
Hultgren BA, Calhoun BH, Fleming CB, Lyons VH, Rhew IC, Larimer ME, Kilmer JR, Guttmannova K

Injunctive Norms and Driving Under the Influence and Riding With an Impaired Driver Among Young Adults in Washington State.
(2023 Nov)
J Adolesc Health 73(5): 852-858
Hultgren BA, Guttmannova K, Cadigan JM, Kilmer JR, Delawalla MLM, Lee CM, Larimer ME

The association between cannabis use and risk of non-medical pain reliever misuse onset among young adults in a legal cannabis context.
(2023 Aug)
Addict Behav 143(): 107711
Rhew IC, Le VT, Ramirez JJ, Fleming CB, Kilmer JR, Delawalla MLM, Hultgren BA, Lee CM, Larimer ME, Guttmannova K

A Comparison of Parents' and Students' Reports of General and Alcohol-Specific Parenting Behaviors Across the Four Years of College.
(2023 Mar)
J Stud Alcohol Drugs 84(2): 235-244
Trager BM, Sell NM, Hultgren BA, Turrisi R, Morgan RM, LaBrie JW

College students' virtual and in-person drinking contexts during the COVID-19 pandemic.
(2022 Nov)
Alcohol Clin Exp Res 46(11): 2089-2102
Hultgren BA, Smith-LeCavalier KN, Canning JR, Jaffe AE, Kim IS, Cegielski VI, Garcia TA, Larimer ME

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