STAT | June 22, 2023
Dave Atkins’s academic research academic research into how to use tech to analyze talk therapy sessions is behind a $2 million grant from the the National Institute of Mental Health.
STAT | June 22, 2023
Dave Atkins’s academic research academic research into how to use tech to analyze talk therapy sessions is behind a $2 million grant from the the National Institute of Mental Health.
Population Health Initiative | June 13, 2023
The Population Health Initiative announced the award of four Tier 3 pilot grants, including 'Centering community voices in partnered mixed methods approaches to addressing health disparities with diverse communities' submitted by Theresa Hoeft, PhD, and colleagues.
Department news | May 31, 2023
Ben Danielson, MD, has been appointed the holder of the Barton Distinguished Endowed Chair for Youth Justice and Health Equity by the UW Board of Regents. The endowed chair is made possible by a generous gift from UW Medicine donors Sarah and Rich Barton.
Department news | May 31, 2023
The Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine Unit (PBMU) at Seattle Children’s has recently implemented a new model of care that provides a better clinician experience for staff and an environment that is positive, preventative and predictable for patients and families.
Department news | May 31, 2023
A key component of our state’s crisis system is mobile crisis response teams that can be rapidly deployed to the location of the crisis and provide crisis assessment and stabilization services to anyone, anywhere, and at any time.
Department news | May 31, 2023
After a comprehensive national search last year, Jacqueline Hobbs, MD, PhD, DFAPA, CMQ, was selected as our new Program Director for the Psychiatry Residency Training Program. We are excited to announce she is now here!
Department news | May 31, 2023
The Psychiatry Residency Program hosted a successful Resident Research Day on May 25 with a record turnout of in-person and virtual attendees.
Department news | May 31, 2023
Governor Inslee signed SSB 5189 into law to establish the role of Behavioral Health Support Specialist (BHSS) in Washington with credentialing starting January 1, 2025.
Department news | May 31, 2023
A new ranking by ranks the top female scientists in the United States based on a scientist's general H-index, a metric for evaluating the cumulative impact of an author's scholarly output and performance. Elaine Peskind, MD, Joan Russo, PhD, and Judith Turner, PhD, made the list.
Department news | May 31, 2023
Ann Vander Stoep, PhD, Laura Kastner, PhD, and Elizabeth McCauley, PhD, have been partnering with Flemmings Nkhandwe, BSc, MPH and other colleagues in Northern Malawi since 2014 to promote children’s mental health.