Department news | July 5, 2023
At the department annual meeting in June, we honored several members of our faculty and staff who have contributed in various ways to the success of our department. A big congratulations to each of them!
Department news | July 5, 2023
At the department annual meeting in June, we honored several members of our faculty and staff who have contributed in various ways to the success of our department. A big congratulations to each of them!
Department news | July 5, 2023
Congratulations to Anna Duncan, Program Operations Specialist at CoLab, for being selected a Bloomberg Fellow!
Department news | July 5, 2023
McKenna Parnes, PhD, a Primary Care/Behavioral Health Integration Postdoctoral Fellow, received an honorable mention in the Substance Use Prevention Services in Primary Care Challenge administered by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).
More Life: The Reentry Podcast | July 4, 2023
In a recent podcast on the intersection of substance use disorders and the criminal legal system, Mandy Owens, PhD, discussed research and implementation efforts with law enforcement, jails and prisons.
Office of the President | June 30, 2023
The University of Washington has launched a leadership search for the position of CEO of UW Medicine, Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs, and Dean of the UW School of Medicine. UW President Ana Mari Cauce has formed a search advisory committee to identify and recommend candidates co-chaired by Bill Ayer and Jürgen Unützer.
STAT | June 22, 2023
Dave Atkins’s academic research academic research into how to use tech to analyze talk therapy sessions is behind a $2 million grant from the the National Institute of Mental Health.
Population Health Initiative | June 13, 2023
The Population Health Initiative announced the award of four Tier 3 pilot grants, including 'Centering community voices in partnered mixed methods approaches to addressing health disparities with diverse communities' submitted by Theresa Hoeft, PhD, and colleagues.
Department news | May 31, 2023
Ben Danielson, MD, has been appointed the holder of the Barton Distinguished Endowed Chair for Youth Justice and Health Equity by the UW Board of Regents. The endowed chair is made possible by a generous gift from UW Medicine donors Sarah and Rich Barton.
Department news | May 31, 2023
The Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine Unit (PBMU) at Seattle Children’s has recently implemented a new model of care that provides a better clinician experience for staff and an environment that is positive, preventative and predictable for patients and families.
Department news | May 31, 2023
A key component of our state’s crisis system is mobile crisis response teams that can be rapidly deployed to the location of the crisis and provide crisis assessment and stabilization services to anyone, anywhere, and at any time.