Washington State Standard | January 11, 2024
Ian Bennett, MD, PhD, hopes that state Medicaid agencies won’t use the introduction of Zurzuvae as an excuse to cut back on other types of mental health care for new moms.
Washington State Standard | January 11, 2024
Ian Bennett, MD, PhD, hopes that state Medicaid agencies won’t use the introduction of Zurzuvae as an excuse to cut back on other types of mental health care for new moms.
Right as Rain | January 10, 2024
Koriann Cox, PhD, and Douglas Lane, PhD, ABPP, CPsychol, practice acceptance and commitment therapy with patients that helps people learn to accept the reality of their situation.
New York Times | January 10, 2024
Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III is under scrutiny for concealing his prostate cancer. But experts like Jesse Fann, MD, MPH, say it is a common coping mechanism.
Right as Rain | January 2, 2024
Members of our department were asked what they think about New Year's resolutions. Alana McVey, PhD, Anna Hink, MSW, LICSW, Paul Barry, MSW, LICSW, Juliann Salisbury, MSW, Daina Tagavi, PhD, Christina Clayton, MSW, LICSW, SUDP, and Adam Kuczynski, MD, shared their thoughts.
UW Magazine | December 31, 2023
Ann Streissguth made a name for herself in the 1970s after publishing an article in the distinguished British medical journal The Lancet describing what became known as fetal alcohol syndrome. Dr. Streissguth died August 2 at the age of 90.
Right as Rain | December 26, 2023
Participants in a new study led by Frank Song reported that drinking alcohol after having a caffeinated beverage during the day partially mitigated the negative effects of the two substances on sleep.
CNN Health | December 20, 2023
Addiction and pain expert Andy Saxon, MD, comments in following FDA approval this week of AutoGenomics AvertD genetic test to screen for risk of addiction in adults considering short-term opioid use.
UW Medicine newsroom | December 19, 2023
Before you step into the stress of the holiday season, Larry Wissow, MD, MPH, has a few suggestions, including taking a deep breath and making a plan. Picked up by KIRO 7.
Axios Seattle | December 14, 2023
It's not unusual for folks to get a jolt of the winter blues as we trudge toward the shortest day of the year. David Avery, MD, offers some perspective and helpful tips.
UPI | December 13, 2023
Gen Z came into the world at a time of significant stressors, and it "makes sense that they would have an altered sense of threat," says Larry Wissow, MD, MPH.