Scott Graupensperger, PhD

My research focuses on how social influences shape individuals’ health behaviors in both constructive (e.g., physical activity) and risky ways (e.g., alcohol use). I take a translational approach to my research in that I aim to understand how social processes, such as normative influences, relate to behavior so that we can leverage these influences to reduce harm and improve health.

Specific areas of interest include alcohol and other substance use, mental health, and gambling/sports betting. My primary focus is helping young adults during the transition into adulthood.

I have a background in sport psychology, and am passionate about helping athletes navigate the unique stressors involved in high-level sport. In this domain, I serve as a fellow at the U.S. Center for Mental Health and Sport.


PhD, The Pennsylvania State University

Department Affiliations

Other Affiliations

U.S. Center for Mental Health and Sport

Recent Publications

What's the harm in starting early?: Daily and long-term risks of daytime drinking in young adults.
(2025 Jan 8)
J Stud Alcohol Drugs
Graupensperger S, Calhoun BH, Walukevich-Dienst K, Lee CM

More than fun and games: Problematic sports betting and its adverse impact on mental health and well-being in young adults.
(2024 Dec)
Psychiatry Res 342(): 116258
Shaygan A, Lambuth J, Song F, Hurtado M, Lostutter TW, Graupensperger S

Clinical characteristics and functioning of adults with bipolar I disorder: Evidence from the mental and substance use disorders prevalence study.
(2024 Dec 1)
J Affect Disord 366(): 317-325
Bareis N, Olfson M, Dixon LB, Chwastiak L, Monroe-Devita M, Kessler RC, Gibbons RD, Edlund M, Guyer H, Kreski NT, Graupensperger S, Winans KS, Stroup TS

Differences in self-reported disruptions in mental health treatment during COVID-19 in a national household sample: impact of severity of functional impairment.
(2024 Jul 29)
Res Sq
Wang M, Graupensperger S, Olfson M, Bareis N, Edlund M, Monroe-DeVita M, Kessler R, Tennison M, Winans K, Chwastiak L

Differences in self-reported disruptions in mental health treatment between SMI and non-SMI groups during COVID-19 in a national household sample.
(2024 Nov-Dec)
Gen Hosp Psychiatry 91(): 237-239
Wang MZ, Graupensperger S, Olfson M, Bareis N, Edlund M, Monroe-DeVita M, Kessler R, Tennison M, Winans K, Chwastiak L

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