Katherine Palm-Cruz

Personal Statement

My areas of expertise are perinatal psychiatry and collaborative care.

Erik S. Carlson

Personal Statement

I am a basic neuroscientist, a board-certified practicing psychiatrist, and an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington Medical School. The goal of my research is to investigate the neural circuitry of cognitive, emotional and memory processing, particularly as it relates to the cerebellum, and illnesses affecting cerebellum including cognitive disorders, PTSD, TBI and dementia through the implementation of techniques in mouse behavioral genetics. In my clinical practice, I primarily see veterans with PTSD, mild cognitive impairment, and various forms of dementia in an outpatient clinic at the VAMC Puget Sound Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center (GRECC) in Seattle. I have over 15 years of experience in basic science research with most of that time dedicated to the use of mouse models of neuropsychiatric disorders.   Throughout my training prior to and during graduate school, I gained background in many contemporary molecular and biochemical lab techniques, such as molecular cloning, protein biochemistry, protein crystal production, fluorometric measurement of protein kinetics, in vivo NMR spectroscopy, gene targeting, microarray genomics, immunohistochemistry, and mammalian cell culture. I have a foundation in mouse genetics, neural development, and behavior which I developed in Michael Georgieff’s lab by investigating the role of iron in developing pyramidal neurons of the mouse hippocampus. During graduate training, I also received cross-training in child psychological development. In graduate school, I developed two mouse models of nonanemic neuron specific iron deficiency: 1) a conditional knockout of the Slc11a2 gene, encoding the iron transporter DMT-1 in forebrain neurons, including hippocampal pyramidal neurons, and 2) a transgenic mouse with a reversibly inducible dominant negative (nonfunctional) form of the transferrin receptor expressed only in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. I utilized and implemented different versions of the Morris Water Maze to study learning deficits in these mouse models of perinatal brain iron deficiency, a condition that is often a consequence of diabetes during pregnancy.   During my residency training, I expanded my knowledge of neuropsychiatric disorders by directly evaluating and treating patients with neuropsychiatric disorders including PTSD, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, autism, major depression, substance abuse disorders, and personality disorders. I learned numerous pharmacological, neuromodulatory, and psychotherapeutic interventions and participated in the internally funded Neuroscience Research Track. I then received a NIMH career development award (K08) mentored by Larry Zweifel, Ph.D. In that position, I investigated interactions between catecholamines and the cerebellum in decision making, emotional and cognitive processing. In the 5 years I was in Dr. Zweifel’s lab, I learned many additional new techniques including use of viral vectors, in vivo electrophysiology, and several operant- and threat-based behaviors, and moved forward in my goal of becoming a physician scientist isolating important circuits underlying etiology of specific domains of behavioral function. This work culminated in my receiving an RO1 independent investigator award, without any gap in funding.   My current research utilizes mouse behavior, in vivo electrophysiological recordings, gene targeting, viral vectors, translational profiling, chemo- and optogenetic tools, site-specific intracranial viral vector injection, and protein chemistry. I am now forging my path as an independent investigator, and my primary goal is to understand cerebellar circuits as they relate to psychiatric and neurodegenerative illnesses and utilize this knowledge to inform and improve current and novel psychiatric illnesses, primarily in cognitive and emotional domains. As such, I am pursuing a multidisciplinary approach combining genetic, electrophysiological, pharmacological, and behavioral techniques.  

Lynda Lee Carlisle

Personal Statement

I serve on the Diversity and Culture committee of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) and am co-author of the 2013 AACAP Cultural Competence Practice Parameters. I have researched in the areas of ADHD, telepsychiatry and Multifamily Group Therapy. I have written in the areas of childhood early onset schizophrenia, trauma, ADHD, intellectual disability, telepsychiatry in rural communities, and suicide in child Native American youth.

Lorin Boynton

Personal Statement

My primary interests are Nutrition and Lifestyle Psychiatry, Cultural Psychiatry and the interface of Religion and Spirituality with Psychiatry. I love guiding patients to achieve healing using a domains of health approach- addressing Nutrition, Sleep, Relaxation, Movement and Connectedness/ Purpose.

John Neumaier

Personal Statement

​My clinical interests include diagnosis and  psychopharmacology of complex mood and anxiety disorders and psychosis. My research program investigates the molecular neuroscience of behavior using animal models with a focus on the involvement of the serotonin system and the neurocircuitry and plasticity involved in stress and addiction.

My lab uses rat and mouse models to investigate stress and addiction mechanisms. The lab is unusual because we pursue a very broad range of methods, including molecular, cellular, neuroanatomical, and behavioral levels of organization. We have focused on serotonin receptors historically but increasingly we are using novel molecular and genetic tools to dissect the involvement of key neural circuits in behavioral models of stress and/or addiction.

The main strategies include a range of behavioral models, intersectional transgenic and viral-mediated gene transfer manipulations of gene expression, neuropharmacology, engineered receptors (DREADDs), fiber photometry, calcium imaging, two-photon microscopy, RNAseq and RTqPCR (using RiboTag pull-down). We are trying to push the envelope in developing and using methods that allow us very precise manipulations or readouts from specific pathways such as the projections from nucleus accumbens to ventral tegmentum or lateral habenula to dorsal raphe nucleus. We are also exploring the role of microglia, the innate immune cells in the brain, during early stages of drug and alcohol withdrawal in advance of typical activation of neuroinflammation.

Ty Lostutter

Personal Statement

I am a licensed clinical psychologist in Washington State. I am the Director of the University of Washington School of Medicine’s Psychology Internship Program which is accredited by the American Psychological Association’s Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation.  And, I  conduct research on health and risk behaviors across the lifespan. Specifically, I have conducted research in the areas of college student alcohol use, young adult gambling behavior, and co-morbidity of substance use and mental health/risk behaviors (i.e. risky sexual behaviors). I have extensive experience working with college students/young adults, military/veteran, and minority/diverse populations. I am also interested in mental health issues including depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I maintain an active clinical practice in the areas of mental health issues with patients diagnosed with hematological and oncological illness and have clinical responsibilities at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.  I also provide clinical supervision for psychology residents and psychology practicum students at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center as well. Overall, my professional aspirations are to improve the public health through empirically-supported psychological interventions and providing mentorship to diverse trainees to expand the reach of psychology.