Ty Lostutter, PhD

Personal Statement

I am a licensed clinical psychologist in Washington State. I am the Director of the University of Washington School of Medicine’s Psychology Internship Program which is accredited by the American Psychological Association’s Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation.  And, I  conduct research on health and risk behaviors across the lifespan. Specifically, I have conducted research in the areas of college student alcohol use, young adult gambling behavior, and co-morbidity of substance use and mental health/risk behaviors (i.e. risky sexual behaviors). I have extensive experience working with college students/young adults, military/veteran, and minority/diverse populations. I am also interested in mental health issues including depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I maintain an active clinical practice in the areas of mental health issues with patients diagnosed with hematological and oncological illness and have clinical responsibilities at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.  I also provide clinical supervision for psychology residents and psychology practicum students at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center as well. Overall, my professional aspirations are to improve the public health through empirically-supported psychological interventions and providing mentorship to diverse trainees to expand the reach of psychology.


Addictions (NIAAA T32 Post-Doc), University of Washington, Center for the Study of Health & Risk Behaviors , 2009-2011
Psychology Internship Program, VA Puget Sound Health Care System-Seattle Division, 2008-2009
PhD, Clinical Psychology, University of Washington, 2004-2009
MS , Clinical Psychology, University of Washington, 2006-2008
BS, Psychology, University of Washington, 1994-1996
AA, General Studies, North Seattle Community College, 1992-1994

Department Affiliations

Other Affiliations

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center

Recent Publications

Effects of within- and between-person assessments of alcohol expectancies and valuations on use and consequences moderated by sex.
(2021 Sep)
Alcohol Clin Exp Res 45(9): 1888-1900
Schultz NR, Graupensperger S, Lostutter TW

Perceived descriptive norms for alcohol use among tribal college students: Relation to self-reported alcohol use, consequences, and risk for alcohol use disorder.
(2020 Mar)
Addict Behav 102(): 106158
Larimer ME, Parker M, Lostutter T, Rhew I, Eakins D, Lynch A, Walter T, Egashira L, Kipp BJ, Duran B

Bipolar disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder in rural primary care: Extending specialty care reach.
(2020 Feb)
Bipolar Disord 22(1): 97-100
Cerimele JM, Lostutter TW

Doing It for the Money: The Relationship Between Gambling and Money Attitudes Among College Students.
(2019 Mar)
J Gambl Stud 35(1): 143-153
Lostutter TW, Enkema M, Schwebel F, Cronce JM, Garberson LA, Ou B, Lewis MA, Larimer ME

Crossover Effects of Protective Behavioural Strategies for Drinking on Gambling Consequences Among College Gamblers with Alcohol or Drug Abuse.
(2018 May)
J Gambl Issues 38(): 190-202
Granato H, Luk JW, Paves A, Geisner IM, Cronce JM, Kilmer JR, Lostutter TW, Larimer ME

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