Training programs in alcohol research, integrated care receive renewed funding

Department news | June 27, 2024

Two of our longest-standing research training fellowships recently received continued federal funding. The Integrated Mental Health Fellowship led by John Fortney, PhD, and Jürgen Unützer, MD, trains physicians or clinical psychologists working at the interface of mental health and primary care who will become academic leaders in primary care / mental health integration research. NIMH has funded this program for over two decades and it has an excellent record of success. The majority of program graduates have been recruited to academic teaching and research positions and many have developed independent federal-, state- or foundation-funded research programs in mental health services research.
The Psychology Training in Alcohol Research Fellowship led by Mary Larimer, PhD, provides training for individuals who wish to pursue a career in alcohol research. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has continuously funded this fellowship for over 30 years and the program has produced many successful researchers in our department and beyond.
Both fellowships received funding to continue their excellent training programs for another five years.