Project Type(s):
Clinical Research
Most young adults with mental health (e.g., depression, anxiety) or substance use disorders do not receive treatment. Untreated mental health and substance use can be associated with impairments in social relationships, overall functioning and suicide. National data indicate that almost half of young adults with symptoms of a mental health disorder reported they needed mental health care in the past year but did not access those services. Barriers to accessing mental health care include stigma, not knowing where to go, lack of transportation and cost.
This project aims to develop a personalized web-based program for young adults to reduce self-reported barriers and increase motivation to access mental health and substance use services. Investigators will work with clinicians and young adults to develop strategies and solutions to address the identified barriers. The team will work with a community advisory board to develop program content that will be further refined through focus groups and individual interviews with young adults and clinicians. From this, the team will develop the web-based program which will serve as the first step needed to establish a larger program of research focused on reducing barriers and increasing access to mental health care to improve young adult well-being.
Project Period:
January 1, 2023 — December 31, 2023
Funding Type(s):
Garvey Institute for Brain Health Solutions
Geographic Area(s):
Practice Type(s):
Online/remote/apps/social media
Patient Population(s):
Young Adults
Targeted Condition(s):
General Mental Well-Being