Jason Kilmer, PhD

Personal Statement

The focus of my research has primarily been the development, implementation, and evaluation of brief interventions and prevention efforts to reduce alcohol- and other drug-related harms among college students and other young adults. Professionally, I have more than 20 years of experience conducting research on substance abuse etiology and prevention with high school students, college students, and young adults.

For many of our NIAAA- and NIDA-funded projects, I have played a significant part in intervention development for studies using personalized graphic feedback (delivered either in-person or on the web). I have a strong interest in efforts to bridge the gap between science and practice, including ways to bring empirically-supported approaches to scale, and always appreciate opportunities to teach, train, present, and put the spotlight on science.


Clinical Psychology/Addictive Behaviors, University of Washington, 1997-1999
PhD, Clinical Psychology, University of Washington, 1993-1997
MS, Clinical Psychology, University of Washington, 1991-1993
BS, Psychology, University of Washington, 1987-1991

Department Affiliations

Teaching Philosophy

​I approach teaching with enthusiasm for the material and the hope that I can excite students, trainees, and/or workshop participants about the content as well. My philosophy about teaching is that an engaged group of students is a learning group of students. I incorporate humor, when appropriate to the subject matter and setting, and emphasize participation by students whenever possible.

Recent Publications

Considerations for Research in States with Recent or Pending Legalization of Non-Medical Cannabis: Lessons Learned from Alcohol and Opportunities for Research.
(2024 Aug)
Curr Addict Rep 11(4): 666-671
Kilmer JR, Hultgren BA, Delawalla MLM, Gilson MS, Rhew IC, Fairlie AM, Martinez G, Guttmannova K

What Are Tolerance Breaks and Why Do Young Adults Take Them? A Qualitative Investigation of Temporary Abstinence Breaks from Cannabis.
Cannabis 8(1): 150-164
Walukevich-Dienst K, DeVries EG, Fontana TJK, Blayney JA, Kilmer JR, Graupensperger S, Lee CM

Young adult impaired driving behaviors and perceived norms of driving under the influence of simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use.
(2024 Dec)
Alcohol Clin Exp Res (Hoboken) 48(12): 2319-2330
Hultgren BA, Delawalla MLM, Szydlowski V, Guttmannova K, Cadigan JM, Kilmer JR, Lee CM, Larimer ME

Trends in Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Cannabis Among Young Adults in Washington State From Before to During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
(2024 Nov)
Am J Public Health 114(S8): S698-S701
Hultgren BA, Calhoun BH, Fleming CB, Rhew IC, Larimer ME, Kilmer JR, Guttmannova K

Age-related Changes in Past-Month Alcohol, Cannabis, and Simultaneous Use in a Statewide Sample of Young Adults in Washington State.
(2024 Aug 10)
J Stud Alcohol Drugs
Fairlie AM, Calhoun BH, Fleming C, Delawalla MLM, Martinez G, Halvorson MA, Rhew IC, Kilmer JR, Guttmannova K

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