James Lee, PhD, BCBA-D
James Lee, PhD, BCBA-D is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington and the Seattle Children’s Autism Center. His research focuses on developing, adapting, and implementing evidence-based practices among underserved families of young autistic children who live in low-resourced communities both domestically and internationally. James has conducted research examining feasibility, effectiveness, and social validity of interventions for caregivers of young autistic children, and he is the lead developer of the Cultural Adaptation Checklist. His primary interest is using implementation science to enhance access to EBP among marginalized families.
PhD: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Postdoc: Juniper Gardens Children's Project, University of Kansas
Department Affiliations
Other Affiliations
Seattle Children’s Autism Center
Recent Publications
(2024 Jul 26)
Linkous O, Soon K, Lee JD, Du A, Shih W, Bearss K, Kasari C, Locke J
(2024 Feb 24)
J Autism Dev Disord
Yoon CD, Xia Y, Terol AK, Meadan H, Lee JD
(2024 Feb)
Autism Res 17(2): 215-233
Tschida JE, Lee JD, Pomales-Ramos A, Koo V
(2024 Jan 21)
J Autism Dev Disord
Lee JD, Kang VY, Terol AK, Joo S
(2024 Feb)
Autism 28(2): 263-275
Lee JD, Terol AK, Yoon CD, Meadan H
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