Project Type(s):
Rates of suicide and mental health challenges among youth have never been higher. An essential part of youth well-being, mental health and suicide prevention is that parents and other caregivers of youth are prepared to support their children in these challenging times. Asking IS Caring is a parent-caregiver network started in Eastern Washington to provide community education, peer to peer support to families struggling with youth suicide behavior/ death, and input to districts implementing mental health programming and supports. This grant will help put into place essential infrastructure to further develop and to sustain the parent-caregiver network as well as to evaluate programming stemming from the network’s activities. Asking Is Caring is supported by a curriculum designed to offer parents-caregivers an invitation to be present with their child. It offers opportunities for participants to problem solve, and questions they can ask of their child, the parent’s friends, and of themselves. Asking IS Caring provides practical steps to build protection from suicide in the home.
Project Period:
July 1, 2022 — June 30, 2023
Funding Type(s):
Mary. E Nelson Charitable Remainder Trust, Heidi Combs Trustee
Geographic Area(s):
Practice Type(s):
Educational settings (e.g. universities, schools)
Patient Population(s):
Targeted Condition(s):
Suicidal Ideation