Project Type(s):
Population Health/Implementation
The MInD-I study targets improving dissemination of the evidence based Collaborative Care treatment model for pregnant and postpartum women with depression. Longitudinal remote consultation (LRC) is an implementation strategy that has been have shown to improve fidelity to evidence-based practices and patient outcomes for mental health innovations. The investigators believe LRC can be used with equal benefit for complex interventions such as CC.
The purpose of this study is to compare two implementation strategies for Collaborative Care depression treatment: 1) standard implementation and 2) standard implementation + Longitudinal Remote Consultation (LRC). This research is being done in order to assess implementation and patient outcomes in sites receiving a standard implementation approach with and without LRC. The results of the proposed study will provide information on the benefits and relative value of ongoing consultation, such as LRC, for implementation of complex interventions like collaborative care.
Project Period:
April 1, 2016 — March 31, 2021
Funding Type(s):
Federal, Foundation
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), California Health Care Foundation (CHCF)
Geographic Area(s):
Practice Type(s):
FQHC, Primary Care
Patient Population(s):
Perinatal (pregnant and new moms)
Targeted Condition(s):
Anxiety, Depression