Project Type(s):
Population Health/Implementation
The IRIS Study is a longitudinal examination of young adults who have experienced an unwanted sexual experience in the past year, and those who have never had an unwanted sexual experience. This study aims to prospectively examine how young adults’ thoughts about a recent unwanted sexual experience are shaped by and influence social relationships and health-related behaviors over time. To do so, this multimethod study involves in-depth interviews, social network assessments, ecological momentary assessments, transdermal alcohol biosensors, and online surveys over one year. This study is conducted by researchers at both the University of Washington and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Project Period:
November 22, 2021 — December 31, 2024
Funding Type(s):
Internal Funding
Patient Population(s):
Young Adults
Targeted Condition(s):
General Mental Well-Being, PTSD, Substance use disorders/misuse