Rebecca Hendrickson, MD, PhD

The Hendrickson research group explores underlying biological mechanisms related to the development and maintenance of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related conditions, including mild traumatic brain injury, as well as the potential for interaction between different types of stress and trauma. Through the design and implementation of translational clinical studies, we apply this work directly to the pursuit of new treatment options for people who have experienced a traumatic stress.

A primary goal of our team is to understand broadly the ways traumatic stress interferes with people’s lives, and to prioritize the areas of greatest clinical need. We look for ways to prevent persistent symptoms after trauma, to match patients more quickly to the treatment options that will be most effective for them as individuals, and to develop new treatment options for those for whom current options are simply not adequate.

In addition to my research work, I am a staff psychiatrist in the VA PTSD Outpatient Clinic and a member of the VA Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Team, and provide teaching and mentorship for residents in the UW Psychiatry Training Program.


Research Fellowship in PTSD Clinical trials, VA Puget Sound, 2015-2018
Psychiatry Residency, University of Washington, 2010-2015
Medical School, Washington University in St. Louis, 2001-2010
PhD in Systems Neuroscience, Washington University in St. Louis, 2003-2008
Bachelors of Neurobiology and Biochemistry, University of Washington 1996-2001

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