Patrick Raue, PhD

Personal Statement

I am Professor and Associate Director for Evidence-Based Psychosocial Interventions at the AIMS Center, and Director of the National Network of PST Clinicians, Trainers & Researchers. In these roles, I develop and lead implementation and training programs in a variety of behavioral health interventions.

Department Affiliations

Recent Publications

Harnessing Human-Centered Design for Evidence-Based Psychosocial Interventions and Implementation Strategies in Community Settings: Protocol for Redesign to Improve Usability, Engagement, and Appropriateness.
(2025 Jan 29)
JMIR Res Protoc 14(): e65446
Lyon AR, Munson SA, Pullmann MD, Mosser B, Aung T, Fortney J, Dopp A, Osterhage KP, Haile HG, Bruzios KE, Blanchard BE, Allred R, Fuller MR, Raue PJ, Bennett I, Locke J, Bearss K, Walker D, Connors E, Bruns E, Van Draanen J, Darnell D, Areán PA

Naturalistic use of a digital mental health intervention for depression and anxiety: A randomized clinical trial.
(2025 Jan 1)
J Affect Disord 368(): 429-438
Renn BN, Walker TJ, Edds B, Roots M, Raue PJ

Comparing cognitive behavioral therapy and social prescribing in patients with loneliness on long-term opioid therapy to reduce opioid misuse: protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
(2024 Sep 11)
Addict Sci Clin Pract 19(1): 66
Tong ST, Ma KPK, Pleho A, Keiser B, Hsu C, Ehde DM, Curran MC, Tsui JI, Raue PJ, Stephens KA

Associations of Resilience, Perceived Control of Health, and Depression with Geriatric Outcomes after Surgery.
(2024 Jul 26)
Ann Surg
Miller MJ, Cenzer I, Covinsky KE, Finlayson E, Raue PJ, Tang VL

Behavioral Health Workforce Development in Washington State: Addition of a Behavioral Health Support Specialist.
(2024 Oct 1)
Psychiatr Serv 75(10): 1042-1044
O'Connell WP, Renn BN, Areán PA, Raue PJ, Ratzliff A

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