Larry Wissow, MD, MPH

Personal Statement

​I am a child and adolescent psychiatrist also trained in pediatrics. The longstanding theme of my research has been on the detection of psychosocial problems in children and families, with a particular interest in what happens at the interface between primary care and mental health care. My initial clinical work as a pediatrician involved families in which child abuse was suspected, and thus my early research on detection of psychosocial problems involved how clinicians might best learn that a given family was experiencing some form of violence.

When I returned to training and became a child psychiatrist, my focus shifted to the more general issue of how, in the course of clinician-child-parent interactions, psychosocial issues were asked about, disclosed, and discussed. I have explored this question from a number of angles, including work in different cultures in the US (African-American, Latin American, American Indian), in different countries (Brazil, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Iran), in differences attributable to provider gender, across a range of sensitive issues (including suicide and end-of-life decision-making), and across clinical settings (pediatric and adult primary care, emergency care, and chronic disease management). 


Clinical Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, 1982-1984
Child Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1994-1995
Adult Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1992-1994
Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1979-1982
MD, Duke University, 1975-1979
MPH, Johns Hopkins University, 1982-1984

Department Affiliations

Recent Publications

A decision-analytic method to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of remote monitoring technology for chronic depression.
(2025 Jan 16)
Int J Technol Assess Health Care 40(1): e79
Sun X, Wissow L, Liu S

A "Next Generation" of Pediatric Mental Health Systems.
(2024 Dec)
Pediatr Clin North Am 71(6): 1165-1182
Wissow LS, Richardson LP

Scale-up of Global Child and Youth Mental Health Services: A Scoping Review.
(2024 Nov)
Adm Policy Ment Health 51(6): 935-969
Walker SC, Wissow L, Gubner NR, Ngo S, Szatmari P, Servili C

Relationship between family history of mandatory boarding school experiences and suicide risk in US reservation-based Native American youth: a cross-sectional analysis.
(2024 Jul 15)
Inj Prev
Brockie T, Wissow L, Campbell JC, Ivanich J, Nelson K, Wallen G, Wetsit L, Wilcox H

Linking Primary Care to Community-Based Mental Health Resources via Family Navigation and Phone-Based Care Coordination.
(2024 Jun)
J Clin Psychol Med Settings 31(2): 471-492
Godoy L, Williams R, Druskin L, Fleece H, Bergen S, Avent G, Robb A, Biel MG, Wissow LS, Beers LS, Long M

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