Katherine Hoerster, PhD, MPH

Personal Statement

My research focuses on understanding and addressing the contextual factors like social support and policy that affect health and health behavior. I completed a VA Health Systems Research (HSR) Career Development Award focused on developing a behavioral weight management program for Veterans with PTSD called MOVE!+UP (2015-2020). We are currently testing MOVE!+UP in a VA HSR Merit-funded study using a hybrid effectiveness and implementation RCT design. I recently led another VA HSR Merit-funded study as Principal Investigator (PI) to test a self-directed behavioral weight management intervention among 500 Veterans with obesity; the findings were published in JAMA: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2799407. I am Co-PI for two additional VA HSR Merit-funded studies, both RCTs testing behavioral interventions that harness the power of social support. Last, I am Co-PI for a VA operations-funded project called MOVED By LOVE, a multi-method study that is partnering with Black Veterans to enhance how weight management care in VA serves Black Veterans. The first findings from the study were recently published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11606-024-08628-7. I am fortunate to work with Veterans with PTSD as a staff psychologist in the VA Puget Sound-Seattle PTSD Outpatient Clinic. Lastly, I have an interest in maximizing research impact by communicating about science with Veterans, the public, institutions, and policymakers.


PhD, San Diego State University/University of California, San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology, 2010
MPH, San Diego State University, School of Public Health, 2009
BA, Connecticut College, 2001

Department Affiliations

Other Affiliations

VA Health Services Research & Development (HSR&D) Seattle-Denver Center of Innovation for Veteran-Centered and Value-Driven Care.

Teaching Philosophy

I believe in competency-based training that capitalizes on trainees’ unique strengths and skillsets.  I believe that experiential learning is a powerful tool, providing the opportunity for direct observation and feedback, modeling, and bidirectional learning.

Recent Publications

Advancing Active Transportation Through Mobility Justice and Centering Community.
Health Equity 8(1): 720-730
Baquero BI, Berney R, Romano EFT, Hicks O, Getch R, Hall C, Mooney SJ, Rosenberg D, Shannon KL, Saelens BE, Hoerster KD

Association between a national behavioral weight management program and real-world weight change.
(2024 May-Jun)
Obes Res Clin Pract 18(3): 201-208
Hung A, Pura JA, Stechuchak KM, Dennis PA, Maciejewski ML, Smith VA, Blalock DV, Hoerster K, Raffa SD, Wong E

Differences in healthcare costs over 10 years following discharge from military service by weight trajectory.
(2024 Mar-Apr)
Obes Res Clin Pract 18(2): 88-93
Wong ES, Stechuchak KM, Smith VA, Hung A, Dennis PA, Hoerster KD, Maciejewski ML

Association Between a National Behavioral Weight Management Program and Veterans Affairs Health Expenditures.
(2024 Apr 1)
Med Care 62(4): 235-242
Smith VA, Stechuchak KM, Wong ES, Hung A, Dennis PA, Hoerster KD, Blalock DV, Raffa SD, Maciejewski ML

Black Veterans Experiences with and Recommendations for Improving Weight-Related Health Care: A Photovoice Study.
(2024 Aug)
J Gen Intern Med 39(11): 2033-2040
Breland JY, Tanksley L Sr, Borowitz MA, Houseknecht D, Muhammad N, Raffa SD, Hoerster KD

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