Re-engineering siloed systems of care through evidence-integrated design thinking

Behavioral health, including suicidal behaviors and problematic substance use, are significant public health concerns and are routinely identified by community health departments as a high priority. However, needed services are highly fragmented across multiple systems (e.g., prevention, primary care, schools). Addressing these urgent public health concerns requires decisionmakers to collaborate and coordinate services. System-level planning […]

Harm reduction in the context of social distancing

The devastating impacts of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic is expected to have impacts on young adults’ mental health and substance use (a population already at high risk).  Time is of the essence to provide young adults evidence-based information to reduce risk from alcohol use within the context of COVID-19 epidemic, promote continuation of social […]

Disseminating a user-friendly guide: Advancing the science of intervention adaptation and improving access to evidence-based psychological treatment

Adaptation of evidence-based practices and programs (EBPs) is a necessary component of the implementation process. EBPs must be adapted to function with the constraints of real-world practice settings, providers’ expertise, and patients’ needs. The science of intervention adaptation is hungry for well-defined methods of EBP adaptation to guide decision making. A how-to guide for EBP […]

Accountable Communities of Health

AIMS Center staff and faculty are working with primary care and behavioral health partners in each ACH to train staff and providers on whole person care strategies. This includes training primary care practices to adopt the Collaborative Care model and/or Bree Behavioral Health Integration Recommendations and training community behavioral health agencies to address the physical […]

New York State Collaborative Care Medicaid Program

Through partnership with New York-based practice coaches as well as its own expert clinician trainers, the AIMS Center supports effective practice change for behavioral health integration, planning for implementation of the Collaborative Care Model (CoCM), and providing behavioral health clinician training and technical support for New York Medicaid primary care providers.