Partnering with patients to re-envision psychiatric hospitalization and discharge

We will analyze people’s stories about psychiatric hospitalization, interview people with experiences surrounding psychiatric hospitalization, and co-design with them to identify alternative approaches that would help people care for themselves as they transition out of the hospital. We will build upon our prior work on understanding patients’ challenges and co-designing new systems that help patients […]

GATHER: Growing a Tribal Healing Effort through Research

The GATHER initiative aims to: 1) Coordinate a national research network to support tribally led research on etiology and prevention of overdose, substance use, mental health, and pain management. 2) Provide administrative support and shared resources to facilitate the successful completion of N CREW research projects. 3) Provide an administrative infrastructure, intellectual environment, and access […]

School-Based Paraeducator Education for Engagement at Recess (SPEER)

The purpose of this study is to compare two implementation strategies for a social engagement intervention that supports autistic children and their non-autistic peers during recess. Remaking Recess has been shown to improve peer engagement for autistic students when implemented by paraeducators during recess. However, without supports, paraeducators face barriers to implementing the intervention well. […]

Testing the efficacy of the Helping Educational Leaders Mobilize Evidence (HELM) implementation strategy

This study will examine the efficacy of the Helping Educational Leaders Mobilize Evidence (HELM) implementation strategy for promoting building-level implementation leadership, implementation climate, and high-fidelity delivery of evidence-based practices. This study tests whether HELM improves outcomes when used in conjunction with Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), an evidence-based practice. The researchers will compare the […]

Centering community voices in partnered mixed methods approaches to addressing health disparities with diverse communities

Meaningful partnerships between community and academic/public health co-researchers are needed to address community mental health, wellbeing, and health disparities. Partnerships should center the strengths, needs, and interests of communities on the communities’ terms while building relationships on trust and shared power. UW researchers in partnership with the Community Health Board Coalition (CHBC) have developed an […]

Willow Study

The goal of this study is to understand the impact of stigma on mental health and recovery from trauma in different parts of the country.