Theresa Hoeft, PhD

Personal Statement

I am a mixed methods health services researcher and health economist with a PhD in population health and background in community-based participatory research and community-engaged research. I enjoy working with partners in clinic and community settings to develop scalable programs to improve mental health services and community well-being. Such programs may involve a diverse workforce with varying levels of mental health training and experience, including lay health workers. My interest in technology focuses on finding efficiencies and the appropriate balance of technology and face-to-face encounters to support patient care and staff training/support in such programs.

Department Affiliations

Other Affiliations

Center for Health Innovation & Policy Science (CHIPS), University of Washington

Associate Director of Outreach Core and Program Director for Community Engaged Research, Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center, University of Washington

Adjunct Research Assistant Professor, Health Systems and Population Health in the School of Public Health, University of Washington

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