Russell McCann, PhD
Department Affiliations
Training Programs
Other Affiliations
VA Puget Sound Health Care System
Scholarly Expertise
Clinical Expertise
Recent Publications
Racial and ethnic disparities in telemental health usage among veterans.
(2023 Jun 1)
Psychol Serv
Kim JM, McCann RA, Gold SD, Felker BL
(2023 Jun 1)
Psychol Serv
Kim JM, McCann RA, Gold SD, Felker BL
Posttraumatic stress disorder collaborative care: A quality improvement study in veterans affairs primary care.
(2021 Jun)
Fam Syst Health 39(2): 198-211
Chen JA, Jakupcak M, McCann R, Fickel JJ, Simons CE, Campbell DG, Stryczek KC, Hoerster KD, Chaney EF, Oishi SM, Miner MN, Bonner LM, Fortney JC, Felker BL
(2021 Jun)
Fam Syst Health 39(2): 198-211
Chen JA, Jakupcak M, McCann R, Fickel JJ, Simons CE, Campbell DG, Stryczek KC, Hoerster KD, Chaney EF, Oishi SM, Miner MN, Bonner LM, Fortney JC, Felker BL
Implementation of a Telemental Health Training Program Across a Mental Health Department.
Telemed Rep 2(1): 26-31
Felker BL, McGinn MM, Shearer EM, Raza GT, Gold SD, Kim JM, Rojas SM, Roussev MS, Varkovitzky RL, Liu H, Morrison KL, McCann RA
Telemed Rep 2(1): 26-31
Felker BL, McGinn MM, Shearer EM, Raza GT, Gold SD, Kim JM, Rojas SM, Roussev MS, Varkovitzky RL, Liu H, Morrison KL, McCann RA
An examination of suicidal behaviour among veterans receiving mental-health appointments in person versus clinical video telehealth.
(2022 Jul)
J Telemed Telecare 28(6): 429-435
Rojas SM, Piccirillo ML, McCann RA, Reger MA, Felker B
(2022 Jul)
J Telemed Telecare 28(6): 429-435
Rojas SM, Piccirillo ML, McCann RA, Reger MA, Felker B
The Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Novel Telepsychiatry Curriculum for Integrated Care Psychiatry Fellows.
(2020 Aug)
Acad Psychiatry 44(4): 451-454
McCann RA, Erickson JM, Palm-Cruz KJ
(2020 Aug)
Acad Psychiatry 44(4): 451-454
McCann RA, Erickson JM, Palm-Cruz KJ
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