Nathan Sackett, MD, MS
Nathan Sackett, MD, MS is trained as an addiction psychiatrist, focusing on the intersection between substance use and psychiatric disorders. He attended medical school and nursing school at UCSF, graduate school at UC Berkeley and completed his adult psychiatry residency and addiction psychiatry fellowship at the University of Washington. He is now a junior faculty at the University of Washington in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences where he splits his time between seeing patients and research. Clinically, he works primarily outpatient seeing a range of patients with primary psychiatric issues and substance use disorders. His research focuses on the use of psychedelics to treat substance use disorders with a particular interest in how psychedelics can augment the psychotherapeutic process and facilitate behavioral change. When he is not working, he is spending time with his family and playing in the ocean.
UW Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship, 2020-2021
UW Adult Psychiatry Residency, 2016 - 2020
UC San Francisco, Medical Degree, 2016
UC Berkeley, Masters in Science, 2014
UC San Francisco, Nursing Degree, 2004