Miriam Rubenson, PhD


Postdoctoral Fellowship, Seattle Children's Hospital, 2022-2023
Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Southern California, 2021
B.A., University of California, Berkeley, 2010

Department Affiliations

Recent Publications

Effects of COVID-19 related economic threat on political conservatism, xenophobia, and racial bias in the United States.
PLoS One 19(9): e0309766
Wang CX, Huey SJ Jr, Rubenson MP

Systematic Review: Patient Outcomes in Transdiagnostic Adolescent Partial Hospitalization Programs.
(2024 Feb)
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 63(2): 136-153
Rubenson MP, Gurtovenko K, Simmons SW, Thompson AD

To infinity and beyond: Children generalize the successor function to all possible numbers years after learning to count.
(2017 Feb)
Cogn Psychol 92(): 22-36
Cheung P, Rubenson M, Barner D

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