Maya Magarati, PhD
My scholarship is dedicated to reducing behavioral health disparities in Indigenous, immigrant and refugee communities. I have 13 years of experience and expertise in community-based participatory research (CBPR) science and practice, mixed-methods multi-level research design, cultural adaptation and translation of evidenced based interventions and culture-based practices, survey and measurement development, and dissemination and translation of findings. I am interested in examining culture-centered, land-based healing practices and mechanisms in addressing substance use, sexual health, and climate change impact.
PhD in Sociology, University of Washington, 2010
Department Affiliations
Other Affiliations
Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology (CSDE)
Indigenous Wellness Research Institute (IWRI), School of Social Work
Department of Sociology
Scholarly Expertise
Recent Publications
(2024 Nov 15)
Violence Against Women
Willey-Sthapit C, Lindhorst T, Magarati M, Neupane G
(2023 Jan)
Contemp Clin Trials 124(): 107013
Johnson-Jennings MD, Rink E, Stotz SA, Magarati M, Moore RS
Front Public Health 10(): 829539
Magarati M, Chambers RS, Yenokyan G, Rosenstock S, Walls M, Slimp A, Larzelere F, Lee A, Pinal L, Tingey L
(2022 May 2)
Int J Equity Health 21(1): 59
Oetzel JG, Boursaw B, Magarati M, Dickson E, Sanchez-Youngman S, Morales L, Kastelic S, Eder MM, Wallerstein N
(2021 Jun)
Am J Community Psychol 67(3-4): 256-270
Boursaw B, Oetzel JG, Dickson E, Thein TS, Sanchez-Youngman S, Peña J, Parker M, Magarati M, Littledeer L, Duran B, Wallerstein N
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