Mark Snowden, MD, MPH

Personal Statement

​I am Chief of Psychiatry at Harborview Medical Center and feel honored to work with a large, talented and highly dedicated faculty and interdisciplinary team members to provide the best behavioral health care possible. My clinical work focuses on geriatric psychiatry patients seen in nursing home settings and in geriatric medicine primary care settings. It is a privilege to participate in training the next generation of psychiatrists in my role as supervisor for psychiatry residents and geriatric psychiatry fellows. My research is centered on health services dissemination and implementation research particularly on the delivery of evidence-based mental health services to community dwelling older adults.



Department Affiliations

Recent Publications

Adaptive cognitive control circuit changes associated with problem-solving ability and depression symptom outcomes over 24 months.
(2024 Sep 4)
Sci Transl Med 16(763): eadh3172
Zhang X, Pines A, Stetz P, Goldstein-Piekarski AN, Xiao L, Lv N, Tozzi L, Lavori PW, Snowden MB, Venditti EM, Smyth JM, Suppes T, Ajilore O, Ma J, Williams LM

Can a Home-Based Collaborative Care Model Reduce Health Services Utilization for Older Medicaid Beneficiaries Living with Depression and Co-occurring Chronic Conditions? A Quasi-experimental Study.
(2023 Sep)
Adm Policy Ment Health 50(5): 712-724
Steinman L, Xing J, Court B, Coe NB, Yip A, Hill C, Rector B, Baquero B, Weiner BJ, Snowden M

Partnering with community-based organizations to improve equitable access to depression care for underserved older adults in the U.S.: Qualitative formative research.
Front Public Health 10(): 1079082
Steinman LE, Parrish AT, Kohn MJ, Wu S, Hara-Hubbard KK, Brown L, Imam S, Baquero B, Hannon PA, Snowden MB

Integrated collaborative care intervention for depression and obesity in primary care: translation from research to practice.
(2022 Aug 1)
Health Educ Res 37(4): 227-241
Ronneberg CR, Lv N, Ajilore OA, Gerber BS, Venditti EM, Snowden MB, Steinman LE, Wittels NE, Barve A, Dosala S, Rosas LG, Kringle EA, Ma J

Cross-trial prediction of depression remission using problem-solving therapy: A machine learning approach.
(2022 Jul 1)
J Affect Disord 308(): 89-97
Kannampallil T, Dai R, Lv N, Xiao L, Lu C, Ajilore OA, Snowden MB, Venditti EM, Williams LM, Kringle EA, Ma J

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