Larry Pruitt, PhD
Personal Statement
Dr. Larry Pruitt is the Director for Suicide Prevention Programs at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Puget Sound Healthcare System and Co-Lead Suicide Prevention Coordinator for VA’s four-state Veteran’s Integrated Service Network encompassing Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska (VISN 20). He is a licensed clinical psychologist in Washington State, and has served on several national workgroups focused on suicide prevention including the Military Suicide Research Consortium, The DOD/VA Data and Surveillance Workgroup associated with Executive Order 13822, the U.S. Department of Defense Suicide Prevention and Risk Reduction Committee, and the 2019 VA/DOD Clinical Practice Guideline Workgroup for the Assessment and Management of Patients at High Risk for Suicide.
Prior to joining the VA in 2018, Dr. Pruitt served as the program lead for the Department of Defense Suicide Event Report from 2014 to 2018. His areas of focus include military and veteran behavioral health, suicide prevention and epidemiology, PTSD treatment, and the use of tele-health to improve patient access to empirically supported treatments. Dr. Pruitt completed his graduate training at the University of Nevada, Reno followed by a fellowship at the University of Washington Department of Psychology’s Center for Anxiety and Traumatic Stress.
Department Affiliations
Recent Publications
Mil Psychol 34(3): 352-365
Pruitt LD, Sung JC, Walker KA
(2022 Jan 6)
J Psychiatr Pract 28(1): 14-23
Piccirillo ML, Pruitt LD, Reger MA
(2022 Apr)
Suicide Life Threat Behav 52(2): 214-221
du Pont A, Stanley IH, Pruitt LD, Reger MA
(2022 May)
Cogn Behav Pract 29(2): 446-453
Rojas SM, Gold SD, Bryan CJ, Pruitt LD, Felker BL, Reger MA
(2022 Feb)
J Clin Psychol 78(2): 137-148
Luk JW, Pruitt LD, Smolenski DJ, Tucker J, Workman DE, Belsher BE
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