Kristen Lindgren, PhD, ABPP

Personal Statement

I am a Professor and Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the University of Washington’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and am Board Certified in Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology. I received my Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the UW in 2006 and returned to UW as a faculty member in 2010.

My research interests include problematic substance use (including alcohol and marijuana), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), identity and self-concept, and resilience. My work focuses on investigating  implicit (i.e., non-conscious or automatic) cognitive processes and  processes related to self-concept and identity that contribute to the development and maintenance of maladaptive behavior and psychopathology. A second line of my work focuses on developing and increasing access to briefer, effective interventions for individuals who are trauma-exposed. Support for my work has been provided by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the University of Washington’s Garvey Institute for Brain Health Solutions and the Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute. I also serve as a consultant for dissemination projects aimed at training community-based mental health workers in Cognitive Processing Therapy and other evidence-based treatment for PTSD in locally, nationally, and internationally.

Department Affiliations

Teaching Philosophy

I strive to provide a challenging and engaging experience for my trainees and students. I am deeply committed to my trainees and students applying their knowledge, through course projects, internships, or research. I do not have extensive formal training in pedagogy, but I do seek to incorporate best practices from education and psychology research. Through independent reading, I draw from psychological theories and research to increase the effectiveness of my teaching. As a clinical scientist, I also draw from literature on behavior change and goal-setting to inform my teaching. My course on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and my clinical supervision (group and individual) make extensive use of goal setting (including setting individual goals that are specific, behavioral, observable, realistic, and time-sensitive) and their format mimics a cognitive behavioral session. I find that these strategies reinforce the concepts and style that I am trying to teach and help my students make the transition from learning about CBT to using it with clients.

Recent Publications

An Examination of predictors of prospective changes in self-reported drinker identity and changes in drinker identity as a predictor of changes in alcohol use and associated consequences.
(2025 Apr)
Addict Behav 163(): 108262
DiBello AM, Neighbors C, Lindgren KP, Hatch M, Carey KB

Investigating cognitive and motivational proximal outcomes in a randomized clinical trial of writing about the future self to reduce drinking.
(2024 Jun)
Alcohol Clin Exp Res (Hoboken) 48(6): 1142-1154
Lindgren KP, Baldwin SA, Kross E, Ramirez JJ, Tristao T, Peterson KP, Teachman BA, Wiers RW, Neighbors C

A randomized controlled trial testing theory-driven enhancements to increase the efficacy of and engagement in a brief cognitive-behavioural therapy text-message intervention for co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and alcohol misuse.
(2025 Mar)
Br J Clin Psychol 64(1): 110-124
Bedard-Gilligan M, Lindgren K, Dworkin E, Tristao T, Kaysen D, Rhew I

Evaluating distress as a moderator of the relationship between drinking identity and hazardous drinking during the post-college transition.
(2024 May)
Addict Behav 152(): 107955
Lindgren KP, Neighbors C, Teachman BA, Wiers RW

Writing about the future self to shift drinking identity: An experimental investigation.
(2024 May)
Alcohol 116(): 35-45
Lindgren KP, Baldwin SA, Kross E, Ramirez JJ, Peterson KP, Tristao T, Teachman BA, Wiers R, Neighbors C

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