Gregory Simon, MD, MPH

Personal Statement

I bring a practical approach to mental health research, working to break down barriers between research and real-world health care.


B.A. Rice University May, 1978
M.D. University of North Carolina May, 1982
M.P.H. University of Washington May, 1990
Intern Internal Medicine University of Washington Hospitals 6/82-6/83
Resident Internal Medicine University of Washington Hospitals 7/83-6/85
Resident Psychiatry Massachusetts General Hospital 7/85-6/88
Fellow Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program University of Washington 7/88-7/90

Recent Publications

Epigenetic age acceleration predicts subject-specific white matter degeneration in the human brain.
(2024 Nov 28)
Aging Cell
Newman BT, Danoff JS, Lynch ME, Giamberardino SN, Gregory SG, Connelly JJ, Druzgal TJ, Morris JP

Longitudinal trajectories of symptom change during antidepressant treatment among managed care patients with depression and anxiety.
(2024 Nov 27)
Npj Ment Health Res 3(1): 58
Cukor J, Xu Z, Vekaria V, Wang F, Olfson M, Banerjee S, Simon G, Alexopoulos G, Pathak J

Impact of electronic health record updates and changes on the delivery and monitoring of interventions in embedded pragmatic clinical trials.
(2025 Jan)
Contemp Clin Trials 148(): 107744
Marsolo KA, Cheville A, Melnick ER, Jarvik JG, Simon GE, Sluka KA, Crofford LJ, Staman KL, Richesson RL, Schlaeger JM, Curtis LH

Importance of variables from different time frames for predicting self-harm using health system data.
(2024 Dec)
J Biomed Inform 160(): 104750
Wolock CJ, Williamson BD, Shortreed SM, Simon GE, Coleman KJ, Yeargans R, Ahmedani BK, Daida Y, Lynch FL, Rossom RC, Ziebell RA, Cruz M, Wellman RD, Coley RY

Inhibition of UBE2N in regulatory T-cells boosts immunity against cancer.
(2024 Oct 25)
Miao W, Jain V, Han M, Jin YJ, Beasley GM, Starczysnowski DT, Gregory SG, Zhang JY

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