Eric Hawkins, PhD
Personal Statement
I am an investigator in the Seattle-Denver Center of Innovation for Veteran-Centered and Value-Driven Care and Associate Director of the Seattle Center of Excellence in Substance Abuse Treatment and Education (CESATE), one of two national VA centers devoted to improving the quality of care and clinical outcomes of veterans with substance use conditions. I am also a licensed clinical psychologist in Washington State. My primary research interests include evaluating and improving behavioral health and substance use outcomes of Veterans with alcohol and/or drug misuse conditions. I received his PhD from Brigham Young University.
My primary research interests include evaluating and improving behavioral health and substance use outcomes of Veterans with alcohol and/or drug misuse conditions. Ongoing research interests include prevention of alcohol misuse among Veteran populations and development of a collaborative care management intervention for patients with complex, recurrent substance use disorders and high utilization of hospital services. Current projects include evaluating collaborative care management approaches for treating Veterans with complex and chronic substance use disorders, estimating the relative risks of serious adverse events among Veterans with PTSD who are prescribed opioids and benzodiazepines concurrently, evaluating clinical decision support interventions to reduce concurrent use of opioid and benzodiazepine medications among high-risk Veterans and validation of quality indicators for recognition and management of problematic alcohol use, and assessing the recognition and management of alcohol misuse among OEF/OIF Veterans with and without TBI.