Emily H Trittschuh, PhD

Personal Statement

As a clinical neuropsychologist who has specialized in aging, I have over 20 years of experience in the field of geriatrics. My clinical work and research has been focused on the full continuum of cognitive aging – from neurodegenerative disease of varied etiologies to healthy brain aging into the 90s and beyond. I have been based at the VA Puget Health Care System since 2008. In this time, I have developed additional and complementary interests in the older adult Veteran who has PTSD, especially how this disorder can interfere with cognition and might contribute to decline and also in the area of reducing disparities in neuropsychological care for individuals who are transgender and gender diverse. Currently, I am the Associate Director for Education and Evaluation for the VISN 20 Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC) at VA Puget Sound. I am a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry. Provision of training for future geriatric care providers (MD, PhD, RN, SW, etc) is an important part of my personal mission. I also enjoy connecting with the older adult community through various events and at local senior centers.

Department Affiliations

Training Programs

Dr. Trittschuh follows a Developmental Model of individual supervision with career and professional development as goals.

Recent Publications

Amyloid PET predicts longitudinal functional and cognitive trajectories in a heterogeneous cohort.
(2025 Mar)
Alzheimers Dement 21(3): e70075
Younes K, Johns E, Young CB, Kennedy G, Mukherjee S, Vossler HA, Winer J, Cody K, Henderson VW, Poston KL, Betthauser TJ, Bevis B, Brooks WM, Burns JM, Coombes SA, DeCarli C, DiFilippo FP, Duara R, Fan AP, Gibbons LE, Golde T, Johnson SC, Lepping RJ, Leverenz J, McDougall S, Rogalski E, Sanders E, Pasaye J, Sridhar J, Saykin AJ, Sridharan A, Swerdlow R, Trittschuh EH, Vaillancourt D, Vidoni E, Wang WE, Mez J, Hohman TJ, Tosun D, Biber S, Kukull WA, Crane PK, Mormino EC

Novel modelling approaches to elucidate the genetic architecture of resilience to Alzheimer's disease.
(2025 Mar 20)
Phillips JM, Dumitrescu LC, Archer DB, Regelson AN, Mukherjee S, Lee ML, Choi SE, Scollard P, Trittschuh EH, Kukull WA, Biber S, Mez J, Mahoney ER, Clifton M, Libby JB, Walters S, Bush WS, Engelman CD, Lu Q, Fardo DW, Widaman KF, Buckley RF, Mormino EC, Sanders RE, Clark LR, Gifford KA, Vardarajan B, Cuccaro ML, Pericak-Vance MA, Farrer LA, Wang LS, Schellenberg GD, Haines JL, Jefferson AL, Johnson SC, Albert MS, Keene CD, Saykin AJ, Risacher SL, Larson EB, Sperling RA, Mayeux R, Goate AM, Renton AE, Marcora E, Fulton-Howard B, Patel T, Bennett DA, Schneider JA, Barnes LL, Cruchaga C, Hassenstab J, Belloy ME, Andrews SJ, Resnick SM, Bilgel M, An Y, Beason-Held LL, Walker KA, Duggan MR, Klinedinst BS, Crane PK, Hohman TJ

Genome-wide pleiotropy analysis of longitudinal blood pressure and harmonized cognitive performance measures.
(2025 Feb 13)
Kang M, Ang TFA, Devine SA, Sherva R, Mukherjee S, Trittschuh EH, Gibbons LE, Scollard P, Lee M, Choi SE, Klinedinst B, Nakano C, Dumitrescu LC, Hohman TJ, Cuccaro ML, Saykin AJ, Kukull WA, Bennett DA, Wang LS, Mayeux RP, Haines JL, Pericak-Vance MA, Schellenberg GD, Crane PK, Au R, Lunetta KL, Mez J, Farrer LA

Factors Associated With Life Satisfaction Among Veterans Enrolled in the Healthy Aging Project-Brain (HAP-B) Psychoeducational Class.
(2025 Feb 11)
J Appl Gerontol
Kohli M, Verstaen A, Trittschuh EH

Evaluating the association of APOE genotype and cognitive resilience in SuperAgers.
(2025 Jan 7)
Durant A, Mukherjee S, Lee ML, Choi SE, Scollard P, Klinedinst BS, Trittschuh EH, Mez J, Farrer LA, Gifford KA, Cruchaga C, Hassenstab J, Naj AC, Wang LS, Johnson SC, Engelman CD, Kukull WA, Keene CD, Saykin AJ, Cuccaro ML, Kunkle BW, Pericak-Vance MA, Martin ER, Bennett DA, Barnes LL, Schneider JA, Bush WS, Haines JL, Mayeux R, Vardarajan BN, Albert MS, Thompson PM, Jefferson AL, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC), The Alzheimer’s Disease Sequencing Project (ADSP), Crane PK, Dumitrescu L, Archer DB, Hohman TJ, Gaynor LS

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