Devon Sandel-Fernandez, PhD
Dr. Sandel-Fernandez’s research is focused on predicting impulsive and risk behaviors as they occur in people’s daily lives. She has conducted numerous studies using ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and self-monitoring data from therapy to build person-specific models of symptom dynamics including self-harm, substance use, and suicide attempts.
Dr. Sandel-Fernandez often takes an idiographic (person-specific) analysis approach to answer the question of when in time a person is most at risk for engaging in behaviors they would like to avoid, based on their context, emotions, and personal triggers. Her career goal is to improve treatment outcomes by tailoring evidence-based care to people’s diverse symptom experiences.
Clinical Psychology Internship, VA Puget Sound, Seattle, 2024
PhD, Clinical Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, 2024
MA, Clinical Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, 2020
BS, Biopsychology, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2013
Department Affiliations
Training Programs
Recent Publications
(2025 Feb)
Suicide Life Threat Behav 55(1): e13131
Norr AM, Sandel-Fernandez D, Nguyen J, Schacht Reisinger H, Reger GM
(2023 Jun)
Emotion 23(4): 1102-1114
Sandel-Fernandez DB, Pearlstein JG, Swerdlow BA, Johnson SL
(2022 Jun)
Affect Sci 3(2): 451-463
Swerdlow BA, Sandel DB, Pearlstein JG, Johnson SL
(2023 Apr)
Emotion 23(3): 737-752
Swerdlow BA, Sandel DB, Johnson SL
(2020 Nov)
Behav Res Ther 134(): 103708
Johnson SL, Zisser MR, Sandel DB, Swerdlow BA, Carver CS, Sanchez AH, Fernandez E
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