Dani Dahyeon Kang, PhD
Dr. Dahyeon Kang is an Assistant Professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine. She earned her doctoral degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where her work focused on the etiology of alcohol and substance use disorders through multimodal research methods, including alcohol administration, neuroimaging, transdermal biosensors, and ecological momentary assessments. At the University of Washington’s Department of Psychiatry, Dr. Kang investigates how individual and social factors interact to influence alcohol and cannabis use behaviors.
Department Affiliations
Scholarly Expertise
- Addiction
- Addiction psychiatry/psychology
- Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)
- Behavior neuroimaging
- Clinical neuroscience
- Human-centered design
- Inpatient psychiatry/psychology
- Machine learning
- MRI/neuroimaging
- Neurocognitive disorders
- Neurodegenerative disorders, dementia, Alzheimer's
- Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
- Outpatient psychiatry/psychology
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Recent Publications
Alcohol and emotion: Analyzing convergence between facially expressed and self-reported indices of emotion under alcohol intoxication.
(2025 Jan 9)
Psychol Addict Behav
Caumiant EP, Kang D, Girard JM, Fairbairn CE
(2025 Jan 9)
Psychol Addict Behav
Caumiant EP, Kang D, Girard JM, Fairbairn CE
Social anxiety and alcohol consumption: The role of social context.
(2023 Aug)
Addict Behav 143(): 107672
Caumiant EP, Fairbairn CE, Bresin K, Gary Rosen I, Luczak SE, Kang D
(2023 Aug)
Addict Behav 143(): 107672
Caumiant EP, Fairbairn CE, Bresin K, Gary Rosen I, Luczak SE, Kang D
Alcohol and Neural Dynamics: A Meta-analysis of Acute Alcohol Effects on Event-Related Brain Potentials.
(2021 May 15)
Biol Psychiatry 89(10): 990-1000
Fairbairn CE, Kang D, Federmeier KD
(2021 May 15)
Biol Psychiatry 89(10): 990-1000
Fairbairn CE, Kang D, Federmeier KD
Using machine learning for real-time BAC estimation from a new-generation transdermal biosensor in the laboratory.
(2020 Nov 1)
Drug Alcohol Depend 216(): 108205
Fairbairn CE, Kang D, Bosch N
(2020 Nov 1)
Drug Alcohol Depend 216(): 108205
Fairbairn CE, Kang D, Bosch N
Deconvolving the input to random abstract parabolic systems: a population model-based approach to estimating blood/breath alcohol concentration from transdermal alcohol biosensor data.
(2018 Dec)
Inverse Probl 34(12):
Sirlanci M, Rosen IG, Luczak SE, Fairbairn CE, Bresin K, Kang D
(2018 Dec)
Inverse Probl 34(12):
Sirlanci M, Rosen IG, Luczak SE, Fairbairn CE, Bresin K, Kang D
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