Connor McCabe, PhD

As a clinical and quantitative psychologist, my work bridges statistical practice and psychological theory to better identify for whom, under what conditions, and why substance-related health disparities are greatest across development. My substantive research seeks to understand how individual differences in stress and developing self-regulation shape substance use and disorder from adolescence through young adulthood, and how these associations explain substance use disparities among sexual and gender minoritized communities. Stemming from this work, my methodological research is centered on improving the analysis and interpretation of nonlinear effects spanning parametric and non-parametric methodologies.


PhD, University of Washington, Seattle, 2019

Department Affiliations

Recent Publications

A Tutorial on Analyzing Ecological Momentary Assessment Data in Psychological Research With Bayesian (Generalized) Mixed-Effects Models.
(2024 Jan-Mar)
Adv Methods Pract Psychol Sci 7(1):
Dora J, McCabe CJ, van Lissa CJ, Witkiewitz K, King KM

Estimating substance use disparities across intersectional social positions using machine learning: An application of group-lasso interaction network.
(2025 Mar)
Psychol Addict Behav 39(2): 113-126
McCabe CJ, Helm JL, Halvorson MA, Blaikie KJ, Lee CM, Rhew IC

Regression tree applications to studying alcohol-related problems among college students.
(2024 Oct)
Exp Clin Psychopharmacol 32(5): 542-553
Schwebel FJ, Pearson MR, Richards DK, McCabe CJ, Joseph VW, Protective Strategies Study Team, Addictions Research Team

Supervisory Alliance as a Moderator of the Effects of Behavioral Rehearsal on TF-CBT Fidelity: Results from a Randomized Trial of Supervision Strategies.
(2024 Mar)
Adm Policy Ment Health 51(2): 254-267
Triplett NS, AlRasheed R, Johnson C, McCabe CJ, Pullmann MD, Dorsey S

High test-retest reliability of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test-Consumption (AUDIT-C) questionnaire completed by primary care patients in routine care.
(2024 Feb)
Alcohol Clin Exp Res (Hoboken) 48(2): 302-308
Simon CB, McCabe CJ, Matson TE, Oliver M, Bradley KA, Hallgren KA

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