Christopher Varley, MD
Personal Statement
My primary interest is Graduate Medical Education and Faculty Development in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. I was the program director for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry residency at the UWSOM for 32 years. I am now the Director of Education and Faculty Development in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. My clinical interests are in pediatric psychopharmacology, particularly re ADHD.
Child Psychiatry, UW School of Medicine, 1976-1978
Pediatrics, Mount Zion, San Francisco, 1973-1974
Psychiatry, UW School of Medicine, 1974-1977
MD, UW School of Medicine, 1969-1973
BA, Biology, Whitman College, 1965-1969
Department Affiliations
Other Affiliations
Consultation and Liaison Service (C/L) – Seattle Children’s Hospital
Training Clinic
Emergency Department Extension – Seattle Children’s Hospital
Scholarly Expertise
Teaching Philosophy
My educational aims are to promote compassionate and patient centered care, at the same time incorporating the best evidence based practices. It is increasingly clear that there are many more youth with mental health disorders than can be served by the numbers on child and adolescent psychiatrists in the United States and around the world. Development of effective integrated care models which extends the scope of child psychiatry expertise via collaboration with primary care and other health care system is critically important. |
Recent Publications
(2022 Feb)
Acad Psychiatry 46(1): 82-84
Simmons S, Anzia J, Hsiao RC, Varley CK
(2018 Aug)
Acad Psychiatry 42(4): 464-468
Simmons SW, Varley CK, Hunt J
(2016 Aug)
Acad Psychiatry 40(4): 637-41
Boland RJ, Walaszek A, Bentman A, DeJong SM, Travis MJ, Sudak DM, Brenner AM, Varley CK
(2016 Jun)
Acad Psychiatry 40(3): 552-4
Joshi SV, Stock S, Adams A, Gleason MM, Varley CK
(2015 Aug)
Acad Psychiatry 39(4): 442-7
Reardon CL, Bentman A, Cowley DS, Dunaway K, Forstein M, Girgis C, Han J, Hung E, Jones J, Keeble T, McCarron RM, Varley CK
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