Chris Nguyen, MD

Recent Publications

Toward an equitable transportation electrification plan: Measuring public electric vehicle charging station access disparities in Austin, Texas.
PLoS One 19(9): e0309302
Jiao J, Choi SJ, Nguyen C

Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy as the presenting feature in a patient with occult low-count monoclonal B-cell lymphocytosis.
(2024 Mar)
J Assoc Med Microbiol Infect Dis Can 9(1): 52-56
Santhanam D, Chan S, Nguyen C, Racosta J, Xenacostas A, Robertson K, Silverman M

Patterns of interventions for central venous catheter-associated deep vein thrombosis and outcomes in cancer patients.
(2024 Jan 2)
J Oncol Pharm Pract
Ngo D, Chen J, Nguyen C, Choi K, Pullarkat V

Multivariate adaptive shrinkage improves cross-population transcriptome prediction and association studies in underrepresented populations.
(2023 Oct 12)
HGG Adv 4(4): 100216
Araujo DS, Nguyen C, Hu X, Mikhaylova AV, Gignoux C, Ardlie K, Taylor KD, Durda P, Liu Y, Papanicolaou G, Cho MH, Rich SS, Rotter JI, NHLBI TOPMed Consortium, Im HK, Manichaikul A, Wheeler HE

Vacuum-sealed silicon photonic MEMS tunable ring resonator with an independent control over coupling and phase.
(2023 Feb 13)
Opt Express 31(4): 6540-6551
Edinger P, Jo G, Van Nguyen CP, Takabayashi AY, Errando-Herranz C, Antony C, Talli G, Verheyen P, Khan U, Bleiker SJ, Bogaerts W, Quack N, Niklaus F, Gylfason KB

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