Catherine McCall, MD


Sleep Medicine Fellowship, University of Washington, 2018
Psychiatry Residency, Harvard Longwood, 2017
Medical Degree, Wake Forest School of Medicine, 2013

Other Affiliations

Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, VA Puget Sound Health Care Center
PTSD Outpatient Clinic, VA Puget Sound Health Care Center
Sleep Medicine Center, University of Washington
Sleep Medicine Fellowship, University of Washington

Recent Publications

Disrupting Psychiatry Didactics: Creation of a Lecturer Toolkit to Include Topics of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.
(2025 Feb)
Acad Psychiatry 49(1): 80-83
Nguyen GC, Pellegrino LD, Ochoa SM, Lee J, McCall C, Ramasamy R

Moving towards a more naturalistic approach to evaluating drowsy driving risk.
(2024 Aug 14)
Sleep 47(8):
McCall CA

The relative contribution of COVID-19 infection versus COVID-19 related occupational stressors to insomnia in healthcare workers.
(2023 Dec)
Sleep Med X 5(): 100067
Hendrickson RC, McCall CA, Rosser AF, Pagulayan KF, Chang BP, Sano ED, Thomas RG, Raskind MA

Quasi-causal associations between chronotype and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms: A twin study.
(2023 Apr)
Sleep Health 9(2): 218-227
McCall CA, Turkheimer E, Tsang S, Avery A, Duncan GE, Watson NF

The relative contribution of COVID-19 infection versus COVID-19 related occupational stressors to insomnia in healthcare workers.
(2022 Oct 30)
Hendrickson RC, McCall CA, Rosser AF, Pagulayan KF, Chang BP, Sano ED, Thomas RG, Raskind MA

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