Bryan Hartzler, PhD
In two decades at UW, Dr. Hartzler’s principal focus has been on the dissemination and implementation of empirically-supported health services for persons with substance use disorders. To date, this includes local, regional, national, and international collaborations, encompassing federally-funded work with diverse community-based settings (i.e., addiction care, mental health, primary and specialty medical care, criminal justice, HIV care, schools, faith-based organizations), including those affiliated with the NIDA Clinical Trials Network. As director of the UW Center for Advancing Addiction Health Services (CAAHS), he oversees a broad portfolio, including: 1) the SAMHSA-funded Northwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center (Northwest ATTC), which provides universal, targeted, and intensive technical assistance to the addiction workforce in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington 2) regional contribution to SAMHSA’s national Opioid Response Network (ORN), 3) a host of externally-sponsored implementation projects with single-state authorities as well as other organizations, and 4) contribution to NIH-funded and intramural health services research. In professional endeavors that span a science-to-service continuum, Dr. Hartzler seeks to promote adoption and implementation of useful treatment and recovery practices in community settings where they may benefit persons with substance use disorders.
Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Fellowship, VA Puget Sound Healthcare System-Seattle, Center of Excellence in Substance Abuse Treatment and Education
Predoctoral Clinical Psychology Residency, VA Puget Sound Healthcare System-Seattle
PhD, Clinical Psychology, University of Texas at Austin
BS, Psychology, University of Washington
Department Affiliations
Other Affiliations
Scholarly Expertise
- Addiction
- Addiction psychiatry/psychology
- Community mental health
- Community-based partnered research
- Harm reduction
- Health behaviors
- Health services and health policy
- Implementation science
- Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
- Pragmatic clinical trials
- Psychiatric problems
- Psychiatric specialties
- Psychotherapies
- Quality Improvement (QI)
- Research methods
- Settings
- Training
- Treatment approaches
- Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT) Member, 2005 - current
- Implementing contingency management in a supportive housing context to promote resident well-being
- Implementing Contingency Management in Oregon-based Health Settings to Address Stimulant Misuse
- State Opioid Response/Tribal Opioid Response Technical Assistance
- Peer Engagement in Methamphetamine Harm Reduction with Contingency Management
- State Opioid Response Technical Assistance
- Oregon State Opioid Response
- Development of a County-Level Recovery-Oriented System of Care for Behavioral Health
- Training for Behavioral Health Providers Addressing People With Substance Use Disorders in Washington State
- Opioid State Targeted Response – Technical Assistance for HHS Region 10
- Training, Technical Assistance, and Leadership Services to Support Workforce Development Initiatives
- Implementing Contingency Management in Opioid Treatment Centers Across New England: A Hybrid Type 3 Trial
- Training Primary Care Professionals in Motivational Interviewing
- Model State Supported Area Health Education Center Program
- Opioid State Targeted Response – Technical Assistance for HHS Region 10
- Training and Intensive Technical Assistance in Motivational Interviewing for Behavioral Health and Medical Providers
- Training and Intensive Technical Assistance in Motivational Interviewing
- Youth clinician training
- Training of Trainers Process in Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment
- HHS Region 10 Addiction Technology Transfer Center
- A Hybrid Effectiveness-Implementation Trial of a School-based Teen Marijuana Check-Up
- Informing Dissemination of Behavior Therapies To Enhance HIV Care Among Substance Abusers
- Integrating Behavioral Interventions in Substance Abuse Treatment
Recent Publications
(2024 Nov)
Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 50(6): 831-840
Ledgerwood DM, Stott MC, Quesada S, Sontag M, Beck RM, McDonell MG, Johnson D, DePhilippis D, Donnelly S, Hartzler B, Nauts T, Novak MD, Peck JA, Rash CJ
(2024 Aug 12)
JMIR Ment Health 11(): e52363
Pusnik A, Hartzler B, Vjorn O, Rutkowski BA, Chaple M, Becker S, Freese T, Nichols M, Molfenter T
(2024 Apr)
J Behav Health Serv Res 51(2): 185-202
Chaple MJ, Kunins HV, Nass MD, Benjamin AC, Viel CR, Bertone P, Marker L, Warren P, Hartzler B
(2022 Oct 12)
J Technol Behav Sci
Hartzler B, Hinde J, Lang S, Correia N, Yermash J, Yap K, Murphy CM, Ruwala R, Rash CJ, Becker SJ, Garner BR
(2022 Jun 13)
BMC Health Serv Res 22(1): 775
Kisicki A, Becker S, Chaple M, Gustafson DH, Hartzler BJ, Jacobson N, Murphy AA, Tapscott S, Molfenter T
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