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Brian Saelens

Recent Publications

Parents in peer delivery of family-based behavioral pediatric weight management: the SHIFT randomized noninferiority trial.
(2025 Feb 13)
Obesity (Silver Spring)
Saelens BE, Rowland MG, Scholz K, Wright DR, Ayala GX, Simoni JM

Impacts of zero-fare transit policy on health and social determinants: protocol for a natural experiment study.
Front Public Health 12(): 1458137
Grimes A, Berkley-Patton J, Allsworth JE, Lightner JS, Feldman K, Never B, Drees BM, Saelens BE, Powell-Wiley TM, Fitzpatrick L, Bowe Thompson C, Pilla M, Ross K, Steel C, Cramer E, Rogers E, Baker C, Carlson JA

A schema for coding health equity scholarship within pediatric research.
J Clin Transl Sci 8(1): e141
Abdi N, Tso SW, Roduin C, Nylander E, Jones AL, Groshong SL, Paulsen J, Saelens BE

The Automatic Context Measurement Tool (ACMT) to Compile Participant-Specific Built and Social Environment Measures for Health Research: Development and Usability Study.
(2024 Oct 4)
JMIR Form Res 8(): e56510
Zhou W, Youngbloom A, Ren X, Saelens BE, Mooney SD, Mooney SJ

Differences in elementary-age children's accelerometer - measured physical activity between school and summer: three-year findings from the What's UP (Undermining Prevention) with summer observational cohort study.
(2024 Aug 6)
Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 21(1): 86
Beets MW, Burkart S, Pfledderer C, Adams E, Weaver RG, Armstrong B, Brazendale K, Zhu X, McLain A, Turner-McGrievy B, Pate R, Kaczynski A, Fairchild A, Saelens B, Parker H

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