Beatriz Carlini, PhD, MPH
I am a Research Associate Professor at the Psychiatry Department, Addiction, Drug & Alcohol Institute where I direct the Cannabis Education and Research Program, a team (CERP) that systematically interacts with state and county agencies and community coalitions, with the purpose of supporting the adoption of evidence-base policies and interventions. I have published extensively in peer-reviewed journals, secured research funds both as Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator, and have collaborated with colleagues from various U.S. universities and abroad. Besides cannabis, I have interest and research experience in tobacco control.
A little bit about my trajectory: I obtained my PhD in Social Psychology in my home country, Brazil. As a faculty in the University of Sao Paulo Preventive Medicine Department, my professional life was dedicated to research and service disparate populations, such as street kids and substance-using youth. As an academic of a developing nation, I had the honor to collaborate internationally and serve in various World Health Organization working groups and committees.
After moving to the United States in 2000, I obtained a Master of Public Health at UW, with an emphasis in Social and Behavioral Sciences. This second degree provided me with the skills and the contextual perspective to successfully transition my professional focus from health care disparities in developing nations to the inequities experienced by historically marginalized communities living in the richest and most powerful country on Earth, the U.S. As a dual citizen, I consider inequity, racism, discrimination and stigma as important determinants of addiction and substance use in an increased globalized world.
I prefer the pronouns she, her, hers.
Department Affiliations
- Cannabis consumer assessment of receptivity to point-of-sale education and safe storage intervention, King County
- Cannabis consumer assessment of receptivity to point-of-sale education and safe storage intervention, Spokane County
- High potency cannabis policy legislative report
- A brief behavioral intervention for co-users of marijuana and tobacco among smokers calling state quitlines
Recent Publications
Tob Use Insights 17(): 1179173X241261302
Carpenter KM, Walker DD, Mullis K, Berlin HM, Short E, Javitz HS, Carlini BH
(2024 Jul-Aug)
J Am Pharm Assoc (2003) 64(4): 102102
Khan Z, Harris JR, Dearden L, Strait M, Treend K, Glesmann H, Carlini BH
(2024 May)
J Stud Alcohol Drugs 85(3): 322-329
Carlini BH, Kellum LB, Garrett SB, Nims LN
(2024 Jan)
Int J Drug Policy 123(): 104270
Carlini BH, Garrett SB, Matos P, Nims LN, Kestens Y
(2023 Jun)
Addiction 118(6): 1009-1010
Hall W, Leung J, Carlini BH
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