Barbara McCann, PhD
Personal Statement
I am interested in mood and anxiety disorders and the intersection of these with chronic medical illnesses. My approach to treatment is integrative. Working within a cognitive-behavioral framework, I use many traditional CBT methods, including hypnosis, mindfulness training, and concepts from third-generation cognitive and behavioral methods.Department Affiliations
Other Affiliations
Sleep Medicine Center at Harborview
Scholarly Expertise
Clinical Expertise
- Adult psychiatry/psychology
- Anxiety disorders/social phobias
- Depression
- Mood Disorders
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Outpatient psychiatry/psychology
- Panic disorders
- Sleep-wake disorders
- Behavioral Activation (BA)
- Brief interventions (specifics)
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Collaborative Care / Integrated Care
- Hypnosis
- Motivational Interviewing (MI)
- Psychotherapies
- Hypnosis
Teaching Philosophy
I teach psychiatry and psychology residents, and medical students. These learners are highly motivated people who have made enormous personal sacrifices to reach this level of training. As such, I treat them with the utmost dignity and respect, and I regard it as the highest honor to teach them. I do not view my role as that of “expert;” rather, I am an experienced guide on a journey in which I point out that which is familiar to me, while gathering and sharing new experiences and insights along the way. Their questions and observations enrich my journey.
Recent Publications
Hypnotically enhancing behavioral activation in the treatment of depression.
(2024 Jun)
Am J Clin Hypn 66(2): 97-107
McCann BS, Collin A
(2024 Jun)
Am J Clin Hypn 66(2): 97-107
McCann BS, Collin A
Prevalence of Different Approaches to Clinical Hypnosis: Bridging Research and Practice.
(2023 Apr-Jun)
Int J Clin Exp Hypn 71(2): 139-152
McCann BS
(2023 Apr-Jun)
Int J Clin Exp Hypn 71(2): 139-152
McCann BS
Development of Psychiatric Residents as Psychotherapists: Effectiveness of a Psychotherapy Pathway.
(2023 Feb 1)
Am J Psychother 76(2): 87-90
Chang SK, Pellegrino LD, McCann BS
(2023 Feb 1)
Am J Psychother 76(2): 87-90
Chang SK, Pellegrino LD, McCann BS
Novel and modifiable factors associated with adherence to continuous positive airway pressure therapy initiated during stroke rehabilitation: An exploratory analysis of a prospective cohort study.
(2022 Sep)
Sleep Med 97(): 43-46
Khot SP, Barnett HM, Davis AP, Byun E, McCann BS, Bombardier CH, Rappisi K, Longstreth WT Jr, Billings ME, Brown DL, Garrison MM
(2022 Sep)
Sleep Med 97(): 43-46
Khot SP, Barnett HM, Davis AP, Byun E, McCann BS, Bombardier CH, Rappisi K, Longstreth WT Jr, Billings ME, Brown DL, Garrison MM
A pilot survey of clinicians' experiences, attitudes, and interests in hypnosis.
(2022 Jan)
Am J Clin Hypn 64(3): 239-247
Stein MV, McCann BS
(2022 Jan)
Am J Clin Hypn 64(3): 239-247
Stein MV, McCann BS
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