Ann Vander Stoep, PhD
Personal Statement
As a child psychiatric epidemiologist, I conduct research about the etiology of child and adolescent mental health conditions and about the effectiveness of interventions that are designed to address these conditions. I co-direct the Developmental Pathways Research Program, the centerpiece of which is the Developmental Pathways Project, a longitudinal study of a cohort of 521 adolescents recruited as 11-12 year-olds from Seattle public middle schools. Members of the cohort are currently undergoing their eighth assessment that has followed their mental health and associated factors from early adolescence through young adulthood. DPP has contributed to our understanding of the development of co-morbid depression and conduct problems, as well as antecedents and consequences of problem substance use. I have collaborated with intervention researchers to develop and test school-based interventions to address mental health problems that interfere with academic performance and social well-being and to conduct randomized controlled trials of interventions that extend the reach of child mental health services to underserved communities. I teach public mental health research methods to graduate students at the University of Washington and to faculty and trainees with an research interest in mental health at the University of Nairobi in Kenya. I provide research mentorship to many UW masters and doctoral students in epidemiology and health services and to junior faculty in the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. |